Special MTK Vintage t-shirts

Don’t ask me why..I guess Tommy was inspired by the cold front 🙂

So he made two dozen of these shirts for tomorrow’s Fisherman’s Surf Fishing show in Huntington. I think he made one dozen large and one dozen extra large. That is it

We thought we give some of you blog readers a chance to get one. Right now, there is no plans to make ton of them and put them in the online store. In fact, the only way we will make them is if you “pre-order” or reserve them. This is the only color and the back is blank. Picture of Montauk Surfcasters from 1957. Very classis and very cool

Here is the deal. The shirts are $15, figure $2 for ship brings it to $17.

We will only make these in sizes that are reserved on this thread. So if only 3 of you want 2xl than that is all we are going to make. No more, no less. We don’t need your $, just tell us how many and what size you want

So speak now or forever hold your peace:-)

54 comments on “Special MTK Vintage t-shirts

  1. Zeno Post author

    We will contact everyone after the show regading shipping and payment. You only get one day, till tomorrow to chime in on this ..then we make only whatever you guys specified

  2. David Strom

    Can I get one at The Fisherman’s seminar/show tonight? Save me the shipping $$, and you the shipping effort.

    Size XL, please, quantity = 1.



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