
For the first time in many years, I am excited about a  prospect of Montauk fall blitzes. Which is kind of convoluted because when I had a time to get onto them I ended up in other places. Now when I yearning to go, I have very little time to do it. Life can be a series of confusing events. 🙂

Seriously, I really hope that white bait blitzes dominate September in Montauk like we’ve experienced it in the years past. It’s good for the soul to get in on one, and catch fish on every cast while enjoying scenery and the camaraderie. Besides, the blitzes are great for those of you who like to snap few photos and capture the moment for eternity. I have been known to snap a picture or two myself,  I do have to admit.  I might be the most “confused and conflicted” surfcaster in the history of this sport. I have the GoPro camera in my bag, regular Olympus on my belt, the Nikon DSLR and big HD camera in my truck…and rod in my hands……and I want to do it all. Unfortunately, you know what happens, you end up doing a little of everything but nothing great.

Few years ago, in late August, we had about eight or nine days of east winds. This is obviously not a regular summer weather pattern. You were probably sitting on your couch and cursing the wind and begging for rain to stop. But as someone much smarter then me said” for every action, there is reaction”….And hard, sustained, prolonged east wind can do wonders for Montauk surf fishing. Yeah, you will get wet, and you might get beat up by building surf, and yes, the bucktail will be the lure of choice but you will catch… and catch plenty in most years. If you get so lucky that mullet feels a need for an early departure, you might be in for some of the best tides of the season. Yeah, I know, we all guard our days for later in the fall, when fishing is suppose to be better, when the fall run is already on the way….but this late in August, with ton of fish in Montauk rips, if you get some preferable winds, they might charge the beach…Of course, you can always call Paul at Paulie’s Tackle of Montauk to get latest info on what is going on. For you that are making your first trek to Montauk this fall, stop by and say hi to Paul…he is expecting you.

bring it on….hope to see some of you there

 New Issue of  Surfcaster’s Journal coming up in a week or so

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9 comments on “Montauk…

  1. Don Pastor

    I’ve never fished stripers, but would like to try while I’m still able. I live in northern NYS and it’s a full day drive to Montauk from here. Could you give me some idea when you think would be a good time to spend a few days there and hopefully connect with stripers? Thank you.

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