Got ideas? …we are all ears

We haven’t asked this in awhile ..

It’s important for us to bring you the stories that you want to read. So here is your chance to voice your opinion on what you want us to feature in the Surfcaster’s Journal magazine in the future issues.

We are always on the lookout for fresh ideas and concepts and we try to involve as many people as we can so magazine does not get stale. Give us some feedback on what you want to see…more old articles, how to, interviews, places, photos, etc

As I mentioned the other day, we are always looking for ideas and content. You don’t need to be a “pro” for your writing to appear in the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. In a lot of ways, we’d prefer you not to be one, to be perfectly honest. If you are fearful of someone stealing your idea for a unique article, feel free to shot us an email to

We are looking forward to what you have to say

btw…our friends from Jersey Island have just uploaded their new issue. If you remember they were featured in the past issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal. They asked me to write a story for their magazine on needlefish so you will find it inside of this issue.

enjoy the read

[issuu showflipbtn=true documentid=110507113318-19f19d6c1ae345599b7ad21ab6bb3486 docname=rf3-3 username=jerseybassguides loadinginfotext=The%20Rockfish%20Files%20%233 showhtmllink=true tag=bass width=420 height=297 unit=px]

14 comments on “Got ideas? …we are all ears

  1. CTMatt

    Personally I like plugmaker profiles, videos, new gear reviews, surfcasting photography stuff and strategic ideas for finding stripers/blues. Kayak fishing is something I love, would be cool to have a section dedicated to that as well possibly. Hope this helps.

  2. Keith White

    What would I like to see ? hmmm ?

    Zeno, you have just written a great article for RF#3 on needlefish and as you know, we took the basic idea, modified it and made it work here.

    we struggle with darters. Why ?

    Pure how-to articles can get stale and outdated but, I do think a proper how-to on the ‘classics’ and variants (is warranted).

    Bucktails ? We fish super fast water, big tides (40ft) and yet, we have no use for bucktails over 14g most of the time. Thats 1/2 ounce in US money. Why is this and why do you guys use 2, 3 oz BT lures ?

    Eels, yes I know they are endangered but what systems other than mckenna’s sluggo are there to replace it ?

    Plug building, rod building, VS (timeline), Zeebass (timeline), classic catch reports (the BIG older stripers), stuff on dealing with bass that become scavengers instead of hitting live bait. Live bait techniques, modern lines (you guys ARE missing out as we have 40lb lines you blokes wouln’t see with a magnifying glass LOL).

    Soft Lures, other species (especially weakfish).

    Just keep going really. Great article.

  3. Pete

    Good Morning Z and crew,
    How about an article on 4×4 basics. What you should carry with you vs. the minimum required by various permits. Also, basics on driving on various beaches and the importance of airing down driving, driving ediquette and things of that nature. Plus what to do if and when you do get stuck.
    Bucktail Pete

  4. mark m

    Because I love both surfcasting & kayak fishing, I get plenty of feedback from kayak fishermen who frequent the shop most days. Many are avid surfcasters and as well as kayak fisherman. I would like to write an article how both relate using various strategies and philosophies to produce fish. With the Jamaica Bay Tournament going this weekend the subject came to mind. Now if anyone wants to take this idea, then please write it better than me because I always enjoy a good read 🙂

  5. Rob G

    Newbies corner focusing on basic how to’s and whatnot, nothing drawn out or anything.

    Maybe something like “Surfcasting Secrets” that is geared towards tips and info most do not even consider. For example, Trox wrote something recently about checking the direction of a stipers eyes after you catch them bc they cannot change it quickly. So if they are looking down or up you should know where to fish in the water column. I find stuff like this really interesting.

  6. bunufish

    I just found some Pt Jude Eel jigs (for eel skin) at a local tackle shop. Picked up a few but to be honest, have NO CLUE on how to use it after I’ve tied the skin onto it. You’ve managed to get me to into rigging some eels, but there’s still some black holes in my understanding. For instance, I have been testing them out and working out kinks, but my eels swims on it’s side alot, but the motion seems correct… is that ok? What are some locations and conditions to maximize rigged eel use; should I not use them in the open beach and relegate their use to back bay scenarios. Do I need to find some rocks or rocky bottoms?

    I also managed to drop my rigged eel in knee deep water and after trying to not get wet, by using my rod butt to swing it to the top of the water; I eventually ended up soaking my reel and admitting defeat, just rolled up my sleeve and went in for it. Missed it, swished around in the sand that got kicked up and ended up getting more wet than intended. But finally managed to find, and good thing there was still some light out, would not have been happy if this was in the dark. Also, my friend and wife were on either side of me, probably wondering what the heck I was doing. And yeah, my wife afterward was like… “I was wondering what you were doing but figured you dropped something. Eel… ewww.”

    Anyways, eels.

  7. Chuck D

    Zeno, I like anything historical. History of plugs and plug makers, how rods and reels have changed over time, why the well known areas are so popular, Biographies of shop owners and personnages of historical significance ;), seaside lore, surf boats, legendary trophies/fishing trips, that kind of stuff. There’s a lot of fishing that’s been done off our coasts and I like reading about it.

  8. karl kjellberg

    Luv the mag and daily updates
    Given a choice would enjoy more general strategic and tactical how and when to’s pertaining to plug and fly fishing on jetties and beaches facing east with no inlets such as in northern NJ (Asbury – Sandy Hook)
    Really like tackle/equipment/ gear reviews and videos

  9. Jason

    Toward the end of each season it would be cool to have various guides do a write up about how they did and let us mortals compare notes.

    No need for big reports, as everyone screams about spot burning, but I would bet some people have journal entries from way back that tell an interesting story. Could be a place that is no longer accessible, a place that has completely changed…

    There are just as many Photog fisherman today as there are fisherman. Everyone wants to see a picture, so let them be seen. Catch Magazine has some amazing photos by professionals, but I know that many of us out there get a good shot from our low budget point and shoot cameras.

    Mike Laptew puts together some amazing stuff.

    I also think it would be interesting to track down some of the big names in freshwater fishing and get them in the surf. I always have a blast taking people to new places, but these guys could probably tell a good story about the trip.

  10. mattm

    Maybe high light areas and hot spots, but might be hard with out spot burning. Have someone follow and report on the migration spring and fall(dream job.)

  11. Bob D

    Wetsuiting basics and not so basic would be cool information to share.

    What to look for and how to find spots to fish in a wetsuit.
    Footwhere and other technical clothing options. Plug choices and plug bag choices. All sorts of possibilities.


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