Shout out to a friend in Afghanistan and all our troops


 I received this note from the other day

I bought “The Art of Surfcasting with Lure” from Amazon but Mr Zeno Hromin
refunded my money because I am serving our country in Southwest Asia.
I would like to send him a personal thank you for supporting the troops.
If he will not mind. can I have an address to send it to him. Thank you
for your time & assistance.

Vince Miralles

What Vince does not know is that he does not need to thank us, we should be thanking HIM for everything he does so we can enjoy our freedom at home. I think I can speak for all Surfcaster’s Journal readers in wishing Vince safe stay abroad and safe return home to his family.

It turns out, Vince if from  Jersey City, NJ 

He likes to cast his line in Hudson River, off Liberty State Park and downtown Exchange Place to catch stripers, blues and fluke.

These days Vince is in Afghanistan, and on his down time he enjoys a good cup of coffee

 a Cuban cigar….

and a good book 🙂


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25 comments on “Shout out to a friend in Afghanistan and all our troops

  1. BigFish

    Hi Vince! Hope you go online on your downtime and see this! Thanks for all you folks do and come home safe…the stripers will be here waiting for you! Zeno is a class act for sure…nice gesture “Z”! 😉

  2. Lenman

    To all the troops…THANK YOU…

    I know myself and my family truly appreciate all that you do for us. I try and remind my kids all the time what is going on overseas and how to appreciate what we have.

    Vince the sign over your shoulder in the background SAYS IT ALL “HEROS”….I tell my kids….baseball or basketball players etc…are not heros…

    You guys overseas are true Heros….god bless …safe return.

  3. Allen W

    Fantastic story and a great photo, THE book, the cuban and our serviceman in the field.
    Vince thank you for your service!
    And thanks to Zeno and SJ staff. once again you people rock.

  4. Robert Mc Carthy

    Thanks and God Bless!

    Z you don`t think it`s much but that refund go a long way.
    My nephew Sean Webster USM, RIP, Two {2} purple heart and many other top awards.
    “We don`t look for a pat on the back, but it feels good when we get one!”

  5. Tom c

    As the proud father of a marine a big thank you goes out! I cant wait too hit the beach with him again. Its easy for the public too forget what all the branches of the service have been doing for a long time now. Semper fi too all !!

  6. Vince Miralles

    My fellow surfcasters,

    I cannot thank you enough for kind words & support.
    I will be the first one to tell you that I am not a hero.
    But I have the privilege & honor to take care of our wounded heroes
    as a mobilized Navy reservist nurse working in the NATO hospital here.
    I am still proud of serving our country for 27 years,
    also prior service w/ the USMC & NJ Army Guard.
    Once again thank you for your support of our troops everywhere.
    God Bless America!

    Vince MIralles

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