Win a special Super Strike Lure

We been a little busy putting finishing touches on issue 6 due in few day. Tommy is burning midnight oil while I am alternating between Nyquil and Dayquil ,trying to shake the cold. Those of you that said learning Mac will be a breeze forgot you are dealing with incompetent Slavic operator, one who excels in chasing goats up the mountain…computers not so much…
anyone interested in crash course on this darn thing? 🙂
I figured while we wait for our Art Director Tommy to finish issue #6 we should do a giveaway in his honor
So I had him pick his favorite picture from issue # 5
Your job is to guess what page the picture is on…one guyess per person please and first “I am in” reply promises to wear a “kick me ” sign on his back for a week
What will a winner get ?
How about a special lure?
Steve from Super Strike painted this lure recently as a one of the weekly prizes we give to our seminar participants.
You wont find this color in the stores….
Good Luck

108 comments on “Win a special Super Strike Lure

  1. CTmatt

    pg 60
    Thanks again for the chance guys!

    I hate when folks just blindly say “i’m in”…


    Of course I am a teacher…can you tell?

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