Winner of EbbPoint Pliers Holster …book you might have missed and more

The winner of Ebbpoint Pliers Holster ( )    is


Congrats Tyson

Please send your mailing address to within 5 days

I am sure many of you are looking outside and feeling a little spring in your step. It definitely feels like we have turned the corner. It will be few more weeks however before many of us venture to the beach. The nights will still be knuckle biting cold for awhile and the water around your waders won’t be pleasing either. Cleaning your gear and crawling up with a good book usually gets me wired up for a new season. Although I always felt that my knowledge is very limited and there is so much more to learn, reading  a how to book rarely gets me fired up. What does get me going is books like John Skinner A Season on the Edge. Stories told by other surf rats are a sure way to get my juices flowing. The other way would be for you to call me and tell me you are crushing big fish 🙂

One book that hasn’t been publicized much but its definitely worth your attention is DJ Muller’s new book, Striper Tales. It’s a wonderful collection of stories from DJ and his friends. You will find stories from Don Guimelli from Afterhours lure, Gary Soldati from Big Water Lures, DJ Muller, our plug guru Dave Anderson, Aquaskins Kadir  , Larry Welcome from North Bar and many , many more.


I picked up a dozen signed copies from DJ at Surf Day and just added them to our online store

here is a link if someone is interested

in other news, we decided to raid our kids piggy banks last night after they fell asleep …the videos are becoming a big part of what we do here and PC just does not cut it anymore. Nothing is more frustrating then tiring to cut footage while its jerking around on your screen and you are not even sure what are you cutting. So we broke down and bought a Mac…any of you geniuses out there volunteering to come over my house and show me how to use this thing ?  🙂

15 comments on “Winner of EbbPoint Pliers Holster …book you might have missed and more

  1. Steve S

    Congrats on finally getting the proper tool for the job. I own a recording and mixing studio and have been a Mac user for 15 years. iMovie will save your sanity.

  2. Ken D

    I just bought a video camera and even I can figure out iMovie. I’ve had an iMac for 3 yrs now and will never go back to a PC. Enjoy your new ‘puter Zeno. Easy to figure really is. As far as spring goes…my forsythias all have nice buds, so my first fish of the season is right around the corner..literally.


  3. Ken D

    Oh, bit of Mac advice. Go out a purchase a 1 or 2 TB external drive (USB) and configure it as a backup drive to use with Time Machine. Then configure Time Machine to do automatic backups..another easy thing to do. If you want, you could get 2 external drives and save all your video to one of them. We all know how fast video uses disk space. Again, welcome to “The Dark Side”…much like Vito fishing chunks 🙂


  4. Tony

    The HELP menu is your friend!

    Also, one of the user guide books, like David Pogue’s The Missing Manual: will answer 95% of the questions that you would call your “Mac Buddy” about (setting up a new printer, renaming in itunes, etc.)

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