Kids Contest

No one said life is easy and road is straight and narrow. There will be some bumps regardless on road you travel. 
I have two kids if my own so I am very sensitive to what transpired. We could have had same thing happen with a STRIPERTHON 2010 contest and some jerk could walk away with a penn torque, vs pliers or handful of beautiful lures. I get that there are bad people in this world, but its our job to show the kids we can protect them from them. In this case I think we succeeded
 I understand some feeing were probably hurt but its for the best, in the name of fairness. I am certain if you polled each one of the kids they would tell you that no win is meaningful if the results of getting there are questionable. After all, that’s what we teaching our kids, right? Fairness above all…
So we will do this the old fashion way
You will get to vote on the thread I put up with pictures of the kids
You will vote for one picture by #..
Whichever picture gathers the most votes will be declared the winner
As per our rules only participants in the contest can vote. That would mean those that registered before October 31st
This will mean that I , who has all the free time in the world, will have to go trough each entry and assure that the email address a person voted with matches the one in our subscribers files.
I will ask you parents for one thing. DO NOT get your kids all riled up by tailing up the vote and telling them they are winning. I cannot check each vote as it comes. So on  Monday I might have to sit down and if I have to disqualify 15 votes, that will change the results.
The only thing I can assure you is that every vote will come from the email we have on file.
From a blog subscribers I ask one thing….please vote.
I know its hard to pick one picture, they are all deserving of a prize. They been such a great sports too. But by not casting your vote, you might be shortchanging someone’s a chance to win
and last but never least
Kids are the focal point of my life and I know many of you share the same sentiments.
All we want is to protect them and show them the right way. I am sincerely sorry that any child is disappointed over what transpired.
But I also wanted to make sure that no kid ever thinks that they are the afterthought to what adults do, or fishing in general
So in addition to this beautiful lure donated by our anonymous lures builder



I will send each child this Montauk t-shirt.

17 comments on “Kids Contest

  1. Leatherface

    So “only participants in the contest can vote” means only those who submitted photos?

    I am just a little confused. I would like to vote if I can, but did not enter a photo into the contest.


  2. Zeno Post author

    just to make one thing clear , if you are a blog subscriber and have registered before 10/31 you are not only a blog subscriber but also a contest participant. Regardless if you submitted a picture

    so , any blog subscriber who registered before 10/31 can vote

    i am not sure if I can make this any clearer

  3. Ryan Matejik

    hey zeno, this may sound stupid but i just started going on here about 4 months ago and is there a certain thing you have to fill out to become a blog subscriber. I would just like to be able to participate in the many things here. Thanks for all the help.

  4. Zeno Post author

    not a stupid question at all
    if you recive email when we put a new are a subscriber
    if you don’t..just enter your email in the box on the right sides

  5. Ryan Matejik

    Sorry to bother you again but does it take time for it to recognize that i am a subscriber because when you put the new post up i didnt get an email. Thanks for your cooperation and patience with me.

  6. Zeno Post author

    No Ryan
    You are a official subscriber as off yesterday. This makes you eligible for all the contests and giveaways in future …anyone who wishes to become a sunscriber…its free and easy…just enter your email under subscribe on right hand corner and you’ll never miss another giveaway

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