Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine SPRING STRIPERTHON 2014 this weekend

Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine SPRING STRIPERTHON 2014

Coast wide Catch and Release Tournament on June 13th to June 15th


The STRIPERTHON 2014 is open to all subscribers of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. There is no entry fee, as a subscriber you are automatically entered. Subscribe today at to be eligible. You must be a subscriber as of Friday 5pm, June 13th to be eligible for tournament

Only saltwater striped bass may be entered into the tournament.
All fish entered into the STRPERTHON 2014 must be caught in a surfcasting situation. A surfcasting situation constitutes contacting the ground, rocks, beach or a dock with ones feet. Any means may be used to reach these destinations, such as boat, ferry, swimming or kayaking but the fish must be hooked and landed while the angler’s feet are in contact with the Earth or something permanently affixed to the Earth.
All fish entered must be caught using a rod and reel and a legal live (or dead) bait or lure.

The CONTEST TAG will be posted on the blog at 5 pm on Friday June 13th. TAG must be included in the photo for each fish entered into the tournament. You may also download it onto your cell phone and show the TAG on your phone screen in the photo as well

All measurements will be ROUNDED UP to the nearest whole inch.
All qualifying fish have to be photographed with the CONTEST TAG and next to a measuring tape showing entire length of the fish in inches visible in the photoaccompanied by a SECOND photo of the angler holding the fish. This event is intended to be a CATCH AND RELEASE competition, remember all fish must be photographed alive. Minimum size 32 inches

The largest fish by length will win first prize, second largest second prize and so on. In case of a tie, the first entry submitted will be placed ahead of a second entry of the identical size.

You must send us your entry pictures by 5PM on Sunday June 15th. Email pictures to with email heading “SPRING STRIPERTHON 2014″.  Include your name and phone contact.

Anyone caught cheating in any way will be disqualified, ejected and publicly shamed.  This means any photo editing, unannounced substitutions, entering fish caught by non members etc, will result in disqualification. We reserve the right to disqualify any entries in which the measurements are not clearly visible without enlargement. The SJ tournament committee will have final say in all disputes concerning the legitimacy of photos, size of the fish and quality of the photo submitted. Photos entered without a CONTEST TAG shown will not be counted, no exceptions.

Contest TAG must be printed at a size of 6 inches by 6 inches or larger.
You are urged to take whatever means necessary to protect the TAG. Designating a page in your leader wallet is a great way to protect the tag. It is also wise to print several extras because, water and paper don’t mesh well.

All anglers fishing in any STRIPERTHON 2014 tournament agree to do so at their own risk. Surfcaster’s Journal, it’s owner, partners, sponsors or employees are in no way liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur during the act of fishing or traveling, walking, boating or kayaking to or from a fishing location. By printing the Contest TAG  you agree to indemnify and defend Surfcaster’s Journal, it’s owner and/or employees against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs which may, in any way, arise from your  participation in the STRIPERTHON 2014.


First Prize – courtesy of Van Staal Reels

Van Staal 250 Reel

Second Prize, courtesy of StormR

Choice of  one:

         STRYKR or Surf Top


  •   Torque Gloves     Cast Gloves        Watchcap Beanie      Neoprene Socks       Stickers/Decals     UV Shield Performance Shirt

Third prize, courtesy of CTS and RH Custom Rods

CB1003-1  10’ Surf & Jetty Series 2-4 oz. 1pc

Forth Prize , courtesy of Guppy Custom Lures

Lure set 

Fifth prize courtesy of RockHopper

Surf Belt a Quick Draw Pliers Holster and a Belt Clip

Sixth prize, courtesy of Super Strike Lures

Lure Set

Seventh prize, courtesy of Hansom Tackle

Saltwater Pliers

Eight prize

Surfcaster’s Journal Swag



CTS-puSJ Contest_6_2014






also in the news for this weekend

10 comments on “Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine SPRING STRIPERTHON 2014 this weekend

  1. Ryan sherwood

    2 questions. What time does the contest end? Do the fish have to be released? It doesn’t specifically said the have to be released in the rules, just photographed alive. Thanks for this opportunity!

  2. Ryan Sherwood

    Thanks for clearing that up. And yes, I did ask that, not really that funny. The rules state ‘This is intended on being a catch and release tournament. The fish must be photographed alive’ and says nothing about needing to be released which is why I asked (Yes, it’s a catch and release tourney which implies that, but would be a lot clearer for those who want to push the limits is it said the fish MUST be released). I fished in another C&R tournament that specifically stated in the rules ‘The fish must be released. Anyone caught keeping a fish entered into the tournament will be disqualified’. Technically, the way the rules read someone could catch a fish, photograph it alive, and then keep it and still be following the rule.

    Z really not trying to start a fight or anything, I could just see it becoming an issue. I release most of my fish anyone, but I am in a weigh in tourney. If I am lucky enough to face the decision of which tournament to enter it into (and will most likely be this one, the prize are awesome, thanks!) I just want to be clear.

    Thanks again for a great magazine and this tournament with awesome prizes! Hope to be sending you a few pics this weekend lol.

  3. zhromin Post author

    I was just busting your balls pal…you should only see twenty emails I got asking if they can get tourney tag is good

  4. donlbi

    Z, thanks for continuing this contest!!
    The release part will be easy, we Jersey boys will be hard pressed to comply with the catch part though 🙂

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