Issue #23 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine is live



Contributions by

 John Skinner

Crazy Alberto Knie

Zeno Hromin

Frank Diagnault

Greg McSherry

Dave Anderson

Frank Pintauro

John  Hanecek

Al Albano

Chef Chris Blouin

John Papciak

Lou Rod Guru Caruso

DJ Muller

Eight embedded videos

 198 pages of pure surf fishing heaven. If you are not subscriber by now, we don’t know what more we can do other than sending Crazy AL over your house to force feeding you some leftover bunker chunks


we just added Friday night night crew hoodies in M,L and 3XL, sizes, L and XL coming on thursday. And also that pesky 2xl Night Crew tshirt. Yeah, we know we should make bigger order but we only have so much room to store. The rest of the basement is dedicated to hundreds of plugs..;-)

9 comments on “Issue #23 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine is live

  1. CTMatt

    Very good so far…re-reading a few and picking up a few more details. Was nice to have something to read while they were jackhammering my street at midnight last night.

  2. woodwker99

    Great Job guys. out done yourselves again! And Z, I have to say I was touched by you bring your son to Mexico. there’s nothing like sharing Something you love with your kids and I agree it is more exciting watching them, then doing it yourself. Again great issue and I am reading it and will enjoy re-reading it again and again .

  3. Awesome John

    Thanks for the chance to win the lamiglas rod…

    My favorite column in the journal is anything that Zeno writes. His sence of humour is wonderful and I always smile when I read the journal due to the witt in his articles. Keep up the good word and wishing you continued success.

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