Feels like fall

I  recently went on a fishing trip to Mexico with my son and when we landed at JFK on Monday I said wtf???

Did we stay there for a month or only a week? It was cold, much colder than I expected. Getting up for work this week, I could not help myself but to think I should be on the beach somewhere. Brisk, cool and refreshing, it felt like last of September, not last of  August. I said to myself that if we get about four to five days of hard east winds to follow, we might have something special.

But it’s not meant to be I guess as the wind turned southwest.

Anyone remember few years ago when we had something like ten straight days of east winds and rain at the end of August and Montauk lit up like a candle? That was fun but I am afraid most of us are not ready for the fall run just yet. I know I am not, I’d like to enjoy whatever is left of the summer. But these temperatures are playing games with my head.

So, it is time to at least get ready. And if you are not going to go all out, and spend a day in a garage changing all the hooks and retying the leaders you can still watch a Master Skinner videos that will make you a better surfcaster

These videos are from SJ Winter seminar we did few years ago. Might be time for another this winter? Who knows…

John on Inlet Currents


John on Tsunami Shads


John on Live Eels


5 comments on “Feels like fall

  1. mark d

    thks for sharing. hope you got a rooster in mexico. had one almost beach himself in front of me the other day with bait fish scattering in all directions. I wish I could say what followed was epic but not even a bump.

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