Working weekend

As you probably read, or hear, or seen, the new issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine is live for your viewing pleasure. Hope you enjoyed our labor of love. I would also thank the fellow who will remain nameless for sending us a donation. We sincerely appreciate it. As Tommy always said, we’d do this for free. But it helps to be able to at least offset some costs of shipping all the stuff we give away. Again, our sincerest thanks.
We are traveling today, doing some interviews and videos. Yes, this is how we sometimes spend our weekends..will be on the road at 4 am and hopefully back by evening. We’ll eat a lot of junk food, make frequent piss stops due to our uncontrollable urge to drink coffee every 20 minutes and we will probably spill it on ourselves somewhere in CT or RI. But the end result is we get to (hopefully) come up withsome stories for you and few videos too. Yeah, we rather be fishing…..

So here are the winners of this week contest. Let me get it all out of the way in one shot

the winner of a pair of SS Weighted needlefish has not come forward yet. We gave him an extra week to do it because of Hurricane Irene…We will extend our offer till Monday night but then we will give them away to someone else
The winner was Scott Crabtree…

The winner of Western Filament 300 yards of TufLineXP

The winners of “I LOVE SURFCASTING” and SJ stickers are

CT Matt who guessed 34 who will also receive a St Croix Mojo hat
Ernie who guess the cover
Frank 15 who also guessed 34 will also get stickers

Roger’s third picture which no one guessed is 43

all the winners, please email me your shipping addresses at

here it is, issue # 9 and still alive..who would have thought ?

We prefer to be quiet when you guys are reading 🙂

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One comment on “Working weekend

  1. CTMatt

    Tell Roger he has great taste in pics haha! Info sent and as always I am gracious for the opportunity and the hard work the entire staff put into #9.

    Don’t forget to re-hash some of your old videos for the folks just subscribing. I stumbled on some “oldies” that totally revamped the way I approach a few lures I relegated to the bottom of my bag. Thanks!

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