you guys are a lucky bunch of sob’s, you know that ?
Frank Cresciteli. maker of Guides Choice Lures got a wind of Andrew’s conquest at Cuttyhunk a week ago
Hey Zeno, let your readers know I am so happy with Andrews success, that I am letting him get a little more “cred” for it. So you can give away 4 more Old Schools on me. I’ll send them out now!
Aren’t you guys special?
Here is the deal, instead of mindless I am in, we’ll let you earn it. Tommy picked 4 favorite pictures from this current issue. So four of you will walk away with one Guides Choice Old School Swimmer lure . Your job is to pick one of the pictures Tommy chose. You get one shot so choose it wisely.
Pick one picture, win one lure
here is another shot of Andrew from that faitful night
Nice view from above
[issuu showflipbtn=true documentid=110508225219-e8758a6b96d645c0a4184fd7e909a62a docname=sjissue7 username=SURFCASTERS_JOURNAL loadinginfotext=Surfcaster’s%20journal width=420 height=162 unit=px]
Photo on Page 95 is beautiful.
page 52
↓page 129 cutie with a blue
↓i say page 59 thanks for the chance
↓Still love the cover.
↓Page 97
↓Page 69… he is a chef right?
↓86- who doesn’t like that? Thanks!
↓Page 95
flyguy with the sun in the background.
Those old schools look pretty good
↓I think he’d like p. 103
↓the 78/79 bi-fold. It is my favorite!
↓Page 77
↓back page 196
↓page 83
↓The cover page, if Tommy didn’t like it, you guys wouldn’t have picked it. Tell me I’m wrong Z
↓page 116
↓The cover (that would be page one). Thanks again for the wonderful opportunity.
↓I would have to say the lure tube ad. I believe it is page 89. Not sure though. Couldnt see beyond the Hot chic in the bikini>>>>
↓On my bb can’t get mag jeez
↓pg 61. thanks.
↓my other choices were taken . . . 124? Thanks!
↓I believe pg 127 would be one of the four picked.
↓pg 95
↓Page 103! Top of rock with major blitz below.
↓Love the cover
↓p 123… keep up the good work. I can’t believe you guys are on issue #7.
↓P. 98 Guides Choice lure!
↓p.113 Abundance – we should all have that mentality. Thanks for the opportunity. Rich
↓Hi … I like 139.
↓Page 17
↓pg 103….Thanks for the chance
↓Page 61.. Thanks guys!
↓This is a hard one because there are so many great pics to choose from, but if I had to choose one it would have to be #127. I look forward each day to seeing what you have in store for us.Love the mag and keep up the good work.
↓Awesome pic Z, and many thanks again! I can’t believe June is almost over.
↓…am I getting a bald spot??
No man, bad lighting …not much light in those don’t think we’ve seen a soul fishing the whole weekend
↓Page 87.
↓pg. 129 and thanks!
↓pg. 69
↓I’m voting for page 95.I know I’m not alone on this one,hope there’s more than 4 plugs
↓Look at that group of urban anglers …. I’d go for page 8
↓page 185 thanks for the opp.
↓page 61, Thanks for the chance
↓page 45 Thanks Guys
↓page 129
↓Pg103 makes me want to throw a lure into the gathering. or weighted treble.
Page 55. Thanks
↓Page 75
↓pg 95 thanks guys
↓Pg 61
↓whoops meant 124
↓142 thanks
↓103 thanks
↓116 … a perfect cut-bait without any hassle…
↓page 109
↓Since I am getting to this late due to lending my laptop to my daughter… I’ll guess the ones Tommy likes best…hahahaha.