Win a Hansom Tackle DK-6 Stainless Steel Dive Knife

Do you carry a knife when surf fishing? On the belt, in the bag or anywhere else? I never really thought about this much until the other night when my feet got tangled up in a braid on a jetty someone carelessly discarded. It took me a long time to get it off my boots. Thank God there were no waves coming as they usually do in that spot, because it would honestly been a hairy situation. Stabbing in the dark with my pliers trying to free my boots was not fun.

I know some of you like the fanciest toys. The best trucks, the most sophisticated reels, the highest performance rods. I’ve talked to guys who seem more passionate about discussing the newest gear item they purchased like a $200 blunt diving knife then they are about actual fishing. Whatever rocks your boat but when it comes to my gear I don’t only want it dependable but affordable too.

Recently Hanson Tackle, the makers of popular Hansom Saltwater Pliers introduced a small stainless steel diving knife. It has a 2 1/2 inch blade with one side smooth and the other serrated. Blunt tip so you don’t accidentally poke yourself in your buttocks while on your belt or in water and a line cutter that can but used to cut braid. It’s a neat little item that gives you few different options of mounting the knife on your belt, bag or even bag strap. Last but not least, the knife does have an innovative locking design and it will lock into the sheath when not in use. You can dismount the knife from its locked position with one hand by pushing on a release button. The cost ?

$29.99 available at most retailers and Surfcaster’s Journal Sponsors like Cow Harbor, The Surfcaster, The Edge and I am sure others. I have not got a chance to use mine yet but I will give one blog reader a chance to win one today, courtesy of Hansom Tackle

Good luck boys and girls


249 comments on “Win a Hansom Tackle DK-6 Stainless Steel Dive Knife

  1. James Jewkes

    That’s a great-looking Knife Would love to have For my belt Then I will give mine to my 10-year-old I’m in thanks guys

  2. unkaharry

    I am deffinitely in,Hvala! I’ve carried a knife from the time I was ten,and there was a time when I carried 5 at all times.As a hunter,fisherman,carpenter I know the value of a good blade.Z, ,if your ever on the beach and need an emergency tracheostomy I’m your man,I’ve seen every episode of M.A.S.H. I.ll even use theDK-6! THANKS AGAIN

  3. gannet

    I was eying on this one…more then pliers I use the knife to cut my braid…hope I win…please count me…ty Z

  4. David Strom

    I am in, thanks Z.

    If you don’t mind having a pointy knife, have a look at Grunden’s Gage Deck Hand knife … about 20$ and it has a magnet in the sheath so you can have it upside down on your suspenders… that looks pretty handy.


  5. Bill Kacinski

    I’m in! Those look awesome! I need a new pair in my waders…these look like they’ll be good for 20 years more…


    I’m in!, love their pliers and thank you for bring items like this to my attention. Keep up the good work Z.


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