The Fisherman Surf Show and the Fall Striperthon

This weather this weekend is definitely jump starting the fall run in few places. Will it continue after this front passes is anyones guess but its nice to hear about “ fall like” fishing in few places along the coast. Let hope that it gets better from here

For those what are looking to increase their knowledge, ust shop or shot shit with fellow surfcasters , this Wednesday The Fisherman Surf Show in a familiar place in the Huntington Hilton might be just an event. Looks like its going to be extremely well represented with manufactures, guides, tackle shops and seminar speakers. SJ will be there so stop by the table and say hi, or renew your subscription and pick up a new shirt

We’ve had free prizes left from SJ Spring Striperthon 2018 so we decided to make it winner takes all weekend tournament in the last weekend of September

Fall Striperthon 2018 will take place Sept 28-30 and you can get all the info by clicking on this link

One lucky angler will walk away with all the prizes in this picture

and here is The Fisherman flier for this Wednesday

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