The far away places

Ah, the Promised Land…if you never fished the Fabled shores of the island of Cuttyhunk, you are probably asking what is a big deal. After all, isn’t Montauk the Surfcasting Capital of the World? It sure is a lot easier to get to then Cuttyhunk….

They best I could describe the experience of fishing the rocks at Cuttyhunk would be to imagine being somewhere on the south side of Montauk…but alone. The place is often so darn quiet its unnerving. And every cove and point seems to be hiding secrets , there for you to uncover. And there is no attitude like some places, not many Alpha males with balls hanging to their knees trying to put you in your place. I hate being put in my place! I hated it since my mother would stick me in a high chair when I was a baby.

What is it that draws me back here? I’ve caught fish here but I also went on trips where I went fishless . The place is certainly not an easy place to fish. The bubble weed forest will wrap around your ankles as you wade out on the rocks. If it happens at the same time as the rushing wave hits the shore, you are in for a world of pain. The points are not as easily wadeable as they are in Montauk Point. Instead of smaller rocks and then a handful of decent size boulders you will find few, but huge rocks at Cutty. And instead of water being fairly shallow at the points, expect it to drop fast and furious. The wetsuit are a recent addition to Cuttyhunk shores. Just like Montauk , plenty of fish were caught in waders for at least a past century. Today’s surfcaster is a bit more aggressive, he pushes a little further out but this is one place were even those whose casts leave a little to be desired, can get into productive waters from the shore. Of course, it helps when fish are there 🙂

I love seeing Bonnie’s face in the morning after breakfast as she runs the Cuttyhunk Fishing Club like a field general.

I love sharing stories without fears that twenty guys will be at my spot the next tide. I love that there is no tackle stores and that internet sucks on the best of days. I love the quiet, the golf carts locals use the get around, the friendliness of people. The only thing that can be unnerving is trying to get off the island in the emergency. That is the price you pay for being in a secluded and out of the way place . I love climbimg on rocks that are as big as my house 🙂

I can’t wait to go there again. And I was there just three days ago in a nasty weekend storm…Lol

I hope it won’t be long. I did make a phone call last week to inquire about taking over the club for a weekend in September. What we thought was to get some of you to come with us and fish. We get to meet and fish with you, noting more ,nothing less. We can show you how to rig eels or tell you were we like to fish

 we grill some good food and hopefully catch some nice fish.

 Nothing in it for us, just a chance to meet some of our readers. But because there are only 8 rooms at the Fishing Club, we found out they are all booked already. Major downer…not sure how many of you would consider a trip during the week.

16 comments on “The far away places

  1. Steve S

    I would do a week day trip for sure. I actually prefer it. Let me know if this trip is going to be a reality. I’ve been trying to get some fishing buddies to go ever since you wrote about it in an early issue of the journal. No takers so far. You know how it is… people hate trying new things.

  2. John Martines

    Yeah, That would have been sweet!! I went to the Block last Oct. and now I’m hooked on places like that. I will hit RI coast or Cutty or the Block again this year!

  3. Dan Radman

    I would definitely do it! Cuttyhunk is the “secret” Mecca of surfcasting, but not that secret anymore I guess. I’ve always wanted to go, but as another poster above said,, could never get any of my buddies t take on the trip. Keep us posted Z Would love to join.

  4. medic6973

    I’m in for a weekday trip Z. Just let me know when 😉 Cuttyhunk club is on my bucketlist. With the history that surrounds it, I can’t imagine not staying there at least once.

  5. TRisser

    Wonderful to dedicate time away from everything and focus on fishing and friends. Cuttyhunck sounds like wonderful and it is on my list of places to chase the striped bass.

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