Thank you

May 6th 2012 should go down in the history as a significant event in the life of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. Not important, just significant. Like that 49 pound striper…it is really not as unimportant as we make it seem when we cry that is a “pound short”. Same thing with readers of our magazine. Having 59 999 or 60 000 is technically insignificant but mentally important. Or at least it is to us

The milestone

We started with low expectations but high on passion. Our first issue was viewed by 9165 visitors according to our hosting company. Yes, these numbers probably reflect Tommy and I each visiting issue number one 4582 times each and you visiting once. It’s probably not that far from the truth.

Over the last two years, particularly in the spring, our visitors number  increased significantly. First to an average of 30 000 visitors an issue and then to 60 000 + visitors  for the last few issues. Our January 2012 issue has been the most visited issue so far with 73 315 visitors.

Today , Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine received its 100 000 visitor, making it the most read Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine issue ever.

This is not a pat on out back, but instead a shout out to you, a thanks from all of us at Surfcaster’s Journal for your continued support.

I can only think of one person that I would want to help me celebrate this special occasion, our friend and Montauk Legend Vito Orlando. I had a pleasure of sitting down with Vito for an interview for a film project last week. Something that is a year or two away in the future…

But we also go to talk about some stories from the old days, including one of the most hilarious stories I’ve ever head regarding Fishing and Nature Calling..


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16 comments on “Thank you

  1. CTmatt

    First off congrats on the milestones….I must have put 50-55 views into that first issue!

    Second i have had serious close #2 calls where I just wanted to finish a cas t and almost didn’t make it to take care of business. I now carry those disposable biodegradable wipes lol…

    Third I should have come up to Vito earlier at Rivers End to say hello. I enjoy his fiddler video too. Nice 1977 porn video editing…I like it haha. I was born in 1977 so I can say it works well with the story lol

  2. mark d

    Congrats…about a year ago I was bored to death in a hotel and googled surfcaster. SJ came up…huh whats this thought I.
    Instantly became huge fan, nothing else that I am aware of comes close. It is focused on an area I don’t fish but I dont care.

  3. pistol pete

    I had a few close calls with the runs last season while wearing my wetsuit! My stomach was percolating like a church basement coffee maker… I struggled to get my wetsuit off with night mares of not making it in time and having my own liquid excrement come shooting out my wrist cuffs and neck gasket! Luckily i made it, but believe me… it still wasn’t pretty!

  4. Moses

    Congrats gentlemen! Thank you guys for all the hard work and dedication. Not only do you guys have your day jobs,family obligations as well as making some time to wet a line. Thank you for taking he time to put together the best surf magazine on the east coast. I can’t wait to see what you guys have come up with in issue number 13.

  5. Dave Whitney

    I don’t know why but any story about someone craping their pants cracks me up. I’ve had my own bad experiences so I can relate.
    Congrats on the milestone.

  6. David Strom

    Hey Z, Tommy, you guys deserve a BIG pat on the back (side? in Football, that’s a good thing, usually ;-)!

    Really, congratulations, and thank you to everyone involved in putting SCJ out.

    Now I’m going to have nightmares about diarrhea in a wetsuit.


  7. Rav

    ALTHOUGH i am presently reading two books on
    striped bass fishing i couldn’t read Tim Coleman’s
    stories fast enough in the new live version #13 that came out today and it was so eerie reading it considering what has just recently happened.
    Such a Fine tribute to a superb writer and fisherman. so no,…. Thank You.

  8. GlennS

    Another great issue! I tried to pace myself but as usual I couldn’t put it down. Read the whole thing in one sitting. Now I’ll go back and take my time….Thanks SCJ!

  9. captn bob

    Congrats on the great acomplishment. Like I have said in the past , its hard to pick a best issue because you never know what the next one will bring. Hats off to all of you! and we can’t forget a great online store.

  10. Scott Throckmorton

    Z., thanks for capturing these stories and legends for posterity. I’ve never had a chance to meet Vito and I don’t know if I ever will but we are very lucky to be able to hear his stories first hand.


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