Tell us about your no-so great moments

As we are getting ready to unveil issue # 9 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine, I want to throw few things your way.

First, we are still looking for your contributions. If you have a desire to write, please contact me at and tell me what would you like to write about. We are open to any ideas and your kids will get a kick out of it 🙂

Second, Scott from Hansom Tackle, maker of fine Hansom Pliers had a very good suggestion and I think a lot of you could get involved .

He suggested we ask you, our readers to give us a short story along the lines “It could only happen to me” thing. Did you ever ripped your waders on a rock, got a hook in your hand, caught your biggest fish on a dead eel, drove to Montauk without your rod, broke your rod in the basement, pee in your waders (wetsuit don’t…You get my drift. We want to hear from you about a mishap that you endured and that our readers will get a  kick out of.

So email me and tell me a short version of your story…looking forward to hearing from you. God knows I endured more mishaps than many of you think is humanly possible..but this is not about me. I want to hear from you.

Here is a video from pictures featured in William” Doc” Muller’s new book, Surfcaster : The Ultimate Surf Fishing Guide, available at your local tackle shop and



9 comments on “Tell us about your no-so great moments

  1. Tony Marchisotto

    The Book is good…BUY IT!

    OK I’ll explain. Doc has a way of teaching that is precise. He covers lures & the right way to use them & why he uses them the way he does. The chapter on reading the water is excellent, read it twice. I LOVED the chapter on ego’s. This is close to being a text… but not boring.

    Try it, you’ll like it.

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