It is about time to get up in the morning and feel good about being a NY Giants fan. Funny story…my wife was on the two months ago looking at stuff to spend money on. Hmmm, why does this sounds familiar? She asks, who is this guy Cruz from NY Giants? I said, no one other than your son’s favorite player in the whole world. This is before anyone knew who he was…but since my son blogs about sports for a year already, he knew and loved the potential. So she gets him an authentic jersey. Let’s just say kid hasn’t taken the thing off since Christmas…Cruuuuuuuuuuz
Sometimes we post entry on the blog, asking you about the stuff you want us to feature in the magazine. Today, we are asking for readers to get involved and pitch us the stories that they would like to write themselves. You might be chummy with a plug builder, you might know an old-timer that fished with Woolner. You might be a brilliant surfcaster who can take apart strategies Continue reading