Super Strike Striper Day 2016 Special Giveaway

Steve Musso of Super Strike Custom lures just emailed me asking if SJ is interested in “pre-Striperday” giveaway of two lures he is making for a show.
One lure that you can only get free with your admission by being one of the first 100 people in the line on Striper Day.

And the second one that he is making for his retailers as a show special.
Excuse my crudeness but do you really have to ask if bear craps in the woods?
Hell, yeah, we are all over this

So here is your chance, one winner, two very special lures from Super Strike custom Lures and Steve Musso

Good LuckPre_StriperDay_Giveaway


If you are planning on attending Striper Day 2016 and you have an FB account, click bellow and let us know.It helps us get an idea of who’s coming….and how many strippers to book…err, stripers

Striper Day Event Page on FB   (


258 comments on “Super Strike Striper Day 2016 Special Giveaway

  1. blackdogfish

    I’m in! Bummed because I have had the first SCJ Striped Day on the calendar since Zeno first announced it. But now instead…Going on a last minute trip to Disney with family… sigh… Happy to have a great family and will certainly make the show next year. Good luck Zeno and Tommy. It looks like you’ve pulled together a tremendous show… a whole big lotta work.

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