41 comments on “Striped Bass and Santa!

  1. Mike S.

    That was eff’g awesome …. GREAT job as always Z!

    On a side note, here is an Invite to the “SJ Crew” …. if any of you are free tonight a group of surf guys will be getting together at the old Hooter’s in Islandia (now named “58”) starting around 6 pm.

    Hope you can make it!

  2. Richard aka Woodwker99

    Happy holidays o you and the SJ crew. looking forward to the next issue and the spring run. Hopefully there will be one.

    Merry Christmas to all.

  3. Tony Marchisotto

    Merry Christmas and happy Holidays to all!

    Great editing job Z… Funny I showed my wife and she just doesn’t get it. How sad not to be a surf caster.

    For those of you who have not read Zeno’s new book, treat yourself very enjoyable.

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