Show, shirts and SS winner

just a quick note…would like to thank all of you who stopped by our table last night. Your words of encouragement and support mean a lot.

The old mtk shirts were gone last night, for you that expressed interested in the other thread, please tune in on Sunday/Monday and we will give you details how to order them.

In mean time….I am going fishing…

oh yeah,,,,,the WINNER of delicious looking Super Strike weighted needlefish is……

drum roll please

..David Strom

Contact us within 48 hours at with your shipping address

more thoughts on show, Ron Arra, St Croix, and other stuff coming up

7 comments on “Show, shirts and SS winner

  1. David Strom

    Thank you from the lucky Superstrike winner — Me! I just emailed you my address from home AND from work, just in case some silly spam filter intercepts the message from one or the other.

    Great magazine & I enjoy reading your blog very much.

    The prizes are just icing on the cake.

    Please keep up the good work & I wish you guys all the success in the world, and not just with this enterprise.


    David Strom

  2. Russell mazza

    hey zeno
    it was great to meet the man behind the blog… thnx for a great read.. as i said at the show .. its the first thing i read when i come from work …

    also reading your books offer so much insight into our sport it would take years of working the surf to gain all the knowledge contained between the pages of your books….

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