Sharpen your hooks

Who’s got a starter pistol for the official start of the fall run?

Ready , set, fish

Not like you guys have not been fishing all year. But this is when many of you will kick it into another gear. I’ve see a lot of peanut bunker around milling around the inlet at Jones Beach this weekend so I am cautiously optimistic. Just keep your fingers crossed that we don’t get any hurricanes. Two years ago the backside of the inlet was primed for some great action and the Irene came trough and dispersed everything. I am not going to even say the name of that other storm from last year that caused so much damage to lives of so many of you. I’ve seen some weakfish caught yesterday so they are still around, although they have been eluding my efforts this summer.

And what can you say about fluke? I never was a big fluke-from-shore guy, most of my catching was a by-catch while targeting other species. But not this year (thanks Mr. Skinner). Some days I caught more fish on Gulp than I would catch in a season taking my kid on a party boat.

Hopefully once we get the new issue done in  few days we can concentrate on nothing but family and fishing till November. Yeah, we’ll work but how much will we actually accomplish is debatable. Boss says I need this done, buddy texts the fish are breaking. Boss says you need to bring your A game to work and you tell him all you got is C at best. A and B are left somewhere on the beach that morning.

Before I share some thoughts on the new issue, let me get the winners of Guppy Pencil Popper Giveaway announced. The winners are Tim Carey & Jorge P.

Each one of you will receive one Guppy Lure Co pencil popper if you email me your shipping address within 5 days at

For more information on Guppy Lures, visit I was told that the Cow Harbor Bait and Tackle in Northport will have a lot of Guppy lures at the Fisherman Show in Huntington in a week or so.

Back to new issue. We have some very interesting contributions in this upcoming issue. Obviously all your favorite columnists are there along with late Frank Pintauro. Legendary  angler Tony Setzko is making his first contribution as is the TV/celebrity/stud Grampa Greg McNamara. Just busting on Greg but many of you probably did not know that in addition to being a contestant on the Animal Planet’s show Top Hooker he also is an expert eye dude. Yeah, like helping you see better in a white coat kind of dude. He will share some research on striper vision. Also there are contribution from Jack Spangel and Corey Pietraszek.

On the video front, we will take a break from Montauk and give you a full 37 minute interview with Legendary Lure Builder Donny Musso. Everything you ever wanted to know about his life, lure building, association with Pichney, colors and shapes, his switch from wood to plastic, it’s here. Grab a cup of coffee and get ready to  go through the history of Super Strike Lures

Lou Caruso, our rod guru will show you that he is not only experts on rods. In the video we shot few months ago he will show you how to make a bucktail from start to finish.

And last but not least is a video that I did with my son a week ago where we went to a football field with a ZeeBaaS 25, Van Staal 250 and Penn Torque 5. We loaded them all  with identical SpiderWire line and used a CTS Vapor Trail rod to cast Super Strike Heavy popper without hooks, five times with each reel. Then we only took an average distance to be fair. I think the results will surprise you

Here is a video preview of the new issue


5 comments on “Sharpen your hooks

  1. Joe GaNun

    Never put that kind of number on the beach but, did get the largest fluke I have ever caught on a 1oz rip splitter with a gulp tip. Plenty of bass of the smaller variety on all sorts of gulp /kalin jig head combos.

  2. mikebfishn

    Most of my salt fishing is in or around L.B.I and the bucktail dressed with gulp and one on a dropper has been the staple for summer flukeing there for sometime now thanks to Fishermans Headsquarters for keeping the tips and reports flowing.

    I have caught weakfish and small stripers on gulp style fluke baits on bullet jig heads. .

    The pre veiw just kicked my fall fever into gear i cannot wait

  3. Richard aka Woodwker99

    You are such a tease. Put out the issue already I’m done re-reading every issue waiting. And friends and I have a bet on I sat the Penn outcasts them all. I need to know!

  4. Richard aka Woodwker99

    And how come my name and email doesn’t stay when I log on and go to post? I have to fill it in every time unlike in the past. Any ideas? and how do I put a picture up by my name?

  5. big jim

    I cant wait for the new issue great preview and I haven’t caught a fluke or flounder from shore before guess I need to read up on John Skinners books. Great stuff as usual

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