Saying goodbye to one of our own

For those who are interested in paying respect to our friend, surfcaster extraordinaire Mr. Al Pelini…the wake will be held at Hill Funeral Home in East Greenwich, RI this Wednesday from 5 – 8pm and his funeral will be the following day at 10am at Our Lady of Mercy also in East Greenwich.

I am going to miss seeing that familiar shape in the middle of the night, on the rock I wouldn’t dare to swim to, arched back, bent knees, leaning backwards with a big bend in his rod

May you rest in peace our friend. You are going to be missed by many.

The winner of the Guide Choice Old School Swimmer giveaway is

 Drownin Worms

please send your address to

2 comments on “Saying goodbye to one of our own

  1. Tony Marchisotto

    I am sorry I didn’t know Al…but we are all of us inextricably tied to surf casters from the past. Those that laid the ground work of the sport, those that are keepers of the beach and those early surf rats that began the conservation movement. I have several conventional rods from my Dad, one hardly gets out of my “man cave” any more. It was given to pop by Paul Sussman of the Striper Surf Club, a fishing buddy to Al Bentsen. You can’t buy that rod from me but I’ll get it out this year sometime to honor those who came before.

    In case you haven’t heard Frank DeGaetano who owned Eastern Reel passed on May 28th. Frank told me he stopped going to the beach when his wife passed a few years ago. He used to picnic & fish with her by his side. He fixed & tuned many reels for me & my family. I have a spinning rod he made for my uncle.

    RIP boys

  2. bob jones

    Al Pollini was a special man. I am proud to say that I shared some fishing adventures with him and I am blessed to have known him. My sincere sympathy goes out to his wife, children & grandchildren. He died too soon.
    His attitude and drive will always serve as an inspiration to me. He was humble until the end and always downplayed his accomplishments.
    I was fishing one of our favorite spots when he was laid to rest; so I was unable to attend the services. But I felt like he was with me.
    Thanks, Al. I will miss you. Bob

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