Pollock in the surf

There are very few people around who still fish regularly and who remember seeing hordes of Pollock and codfish in some places invade the surf line. I’ve listened to the stories of old timers over the years how Pollock would show up like clockwork every day at same time, just before the sunset. And they would be gone as soon as the darkness descended. Same thing in the mornings, at dawn and trough the sunrise, thousands of fish would turn the water to a froth and they were not shy about taking most lures tossed into a blitz.

Even the story about hooking up with a huge bass, “a sure fifty” under the Montauk Lighthouse that turned out to be a big Pollock always fascinated me. I did best that I could to at least to some extent preserve some information that will be soon lost forever. I would love to see someone interview guys that are still around and get a scoop on how it was in early fifties or forties.

Imagine how great it would be if we had Pollock, bass and blues on the same tide? Yes, I know this is the thing for historians to ponder and you can never go back in time. But the man can dream.



8 comments on “Pollock in the surf

  1. Brian K

    Great stories!
    If you still want to catch some pollack with great regularity you could always head off to the Northwestern coast of Ireland. My cousin was recently here on vacation and he told me that the northern coast of Ireland hold TONS of pollack, maybe not as large as the ones told about in the stories in the video but plenty to bend the lines. He said they surf fish for them and catch them all year long and they normally weigh about 2-5lbs with an occasional one in the teens, plenty of fish on every outing. Lots of rock climbing to access areas that they need to get to for the fish but he said well worth the climb.
    I hope to get over there some time to catch some with him. Also he said they are DELICIOUS to eat.

  2. TwoLightsKid

    I grew up catching small pollock in the 6-16″ range from the rocks in Maine, and dreamed of the days when you could catch bigger fish. Having caught a few nice pollock into the mid 20 lb range off party boats in deep water, I can only imagine how they would fight on surf gear in a horizontal fight with no decompression to deal with.

    Thanks for posting this. Would love to see similar stories about cod from the surf if you know anyone who remembers that fishery too.

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