Mega Sebile Lures giveaway – courtesy of Sebile Lures

This week giveaway on the blog is special to me in a lot of ways. Rarely do I after ever get psyched about a new line of lures, no doubt because i became so comfortable with lures already in my bag. And no, I will never be the first kid on the block when it comes to trying new stuff. I am very well aware that Cape Cod Canal rats love their Sebile lures. But I also know probably better than anyone that they are woefully underused in NY and NJ area. Its only my second season of “never ;eave home without some” and I only feel like I am scratching the surface. Super Strike will always  be a mainstay in my bag but I haven’t been this psyched about learning about new lures in a long time.

So todays giveaway courtesy of Sebile Lures (and special thanks to the inventor Patrick Sebile in particular) is a very nice set of Sebile Lures.

190 Sebile Magic Swimmer

165  Sebile Magic Swimmer

155  Sebile Stick Shad

114  Sebile Stick Shad

Best of luck, enter the giveaway by simply entering your email bellow. The app will pick and notify the winner upon conclusion and he winners name will be posted on the app.fullsizeoutput_5df