Line Stretcher Tackle Shirt, Cap & Lure Giveaway

Lets have a  nice giveaway today courtesy of Ray from Line Stretcher Tackle. You can see Ray and his lovely wife at RISAA show in providence. His makes of the furthest casting lures in the universe and even better, he is a hell of a nice guy and someone I am glad to call a friend.

One winner will walk away with :

1 Size L Line Stretcher shirt

1 Line Stretcher Cap

1 green Line Stretcher Lure

enter below in Rafflecopter SJ ad box

1C07FE5F-F9CC-4CE0-B7E8-23293D51B402 72858B9E-F44F-40B5-A807-224A0D6C8143 C2CB8F03-D6F1-44F6-A6EC-3F5BD285F0B7 0B8A64F5-0EAA-4B9E-A87B-360CF5EADF63