Happy Memorial Day..Winner of ZeeBaaS Camo ZX 27 reel

When we came up with the idea of giving away the digital camo ZeeBaaS reel, we thought it would be fun to award this reel to a deserving vet. When the nomination letters started rolling in, we realized that we had a problem. All these brave men & woman who have at one time or another put their lives on the line so we could enjoy our freedom deserve this special edition reel. Actually, they all deserve so much more than just a fishing reel. As committee members, we found ourselves wishing we could award a reel to all these special people. With only one to give, this turned out to be a difficult process to say the least. Reading the nomination letters made us realize even more how special the people who serve in the armed forces are, and how surfcasting brings a peace that seems so hard to come by for so many of them. As we remember those who paid the ultimate price today, we would ask that you think of a service member, past or present and pick up the phone and let them know how thankful you are that they decided to serve this country.
Now the big announcement: The recipient of the special edition digital camo ZeeBaaS ZX27 is Scott Halverson. Scott just returned home last week from a deployment in Afghanistan and is currently serving in the US Army as an apache pilot out of Fort Rucker, AL
Scott grew up fishing with his dad in Idaho and after 1 deployment in Iraq and another in Afghanistan, he was stationed in Rhode Island where his love for surf fishing was born. Scott ended up winning the first Habs Memorial Tournament with a 39 lb striped bass.
Our sincerest thanks go out to all who are currently serving or have served in the past. We owe you and your families a debt of gratitude for the sacrifices you have made.





19 comments on “Happy Memorial Day..Winner of ZeeBaaS Camo ZX 27 reel

  1. achase

    Thank you for your service and congrats on the reel. Well deserved!!
    Thanks also to Zeno and the crew at SJ for such a generous and well placed gesture.

  2. Dennis Zambrotta

    Great selection! I know Scott well from when he was chasing stripers here at the Naval War College – haven’t connected in a few years – glad to hear he’s OK and still at it. Very well deserved – great fisherman – even better person.

  3. Scott Halverson

    I’m truly humbled by the selection and have to give credit to my wife who nominated me. Thanks to Surfcasters’ Journal for your support of our military. I would like to especially like to take the opportunity to thank all Veterans that I have fought along side that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms (the least of which is fishing in our amazing country). For those service members who have preceded me in service in other conflicts and paved the way – in blood – for all that we enjoy – thank you and thank your families. It is a take a team to support a serviceman/woman and all of you that show your support here and everyday we meet you on the street or in the surf your support is greatly appreciated. Pray for the safety of those still in harms way and we’ll see you in the surf! Tight lines!!

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