CTS surf rods

There is a  lot of talk about two piece rods today. In fact, I don’t remember ever hearing about them as much as I did in the  last year or two. Some even dare to compare them to one piece rods although they are predictably attacked fairly quickly by internet experts.

I personally won’t make any proclamations, one way or another. All I am going to tell you that after almost 20 years with fishing nothing but one piece rods from Lami I will be fishing with only two piece rods from St Croix this season. Lou has finished wrapping my Legend  blanks and I am kind of psyched about it…time will tell

One brand that is getting a lot of attention, besides St Croix,  is CTS. I had a pleasure of casting one in the parking lot at West End 2 on blustery April morning and all I could say way Holy !@$#% (although I took that out of the video footage).

Here is our Rod Guru Lou Caruso, sharing his thoughts on these rods.

You can contact Lou with any questions at http://louscustomrods.com/

And yes, Lou will build you a custom, St Croix, Lami or CTS rod. Dude builds great rods, regardless of who is manufacturing them.


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3 comments on “CTS surf rods

  1. Sudsy

    Anyone making a negative blanket statement about todays two piece rods can’t be called an expert.

    The game has changed, dramatically. Ferrule technology has come far. Look at fly rods, most fisherman won’t even look at one if it is less then a four piece.

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