coming up…


There are few things that I want to tell you about, for no other reason than to keep you informed. First, Happy Father’s Day to all of you.

Second, Got Strypers rubber baits are something that Anthony Weiner would love. Big, strong and keep their shape after multiple explosions…

Third, in few months there should be a new book by one of my heroes, William “Doc” Muller. I been working on it the whole weekend. It’s the first pure surf fishing book Doc has wrote in more than 20 years. Since I have read the manuscript I can tell you it’s worth the wait. In fact, it might be the most complete book on surf fishing in northeast I’ve ever read. Look for it at your tackle store hopefully in early fall.

Angelo Peluso has a new book coming in late summer/early fall tilled Saltwater Flies of the Southeast and Gulf Coast. This book will take over where the Flies of the Northeast left off, covering mid Atlantic to pacific. Another thing I am looking forward to.

You guys know John Skinner as the dude who invented the Fishers Log software to keep track of your success and failures. It’s an incredibly easy program to use and affordable too. You can take it for a test ride at, free of charge. You also know John as the man who is one of the best big fish hunters on the planet. What you might not know that the man is a bucktail extraordinaire. If you read Doc’s book , The Ultimate Guide to Fishing with Bucktails, you have read that John was responsible for Doc’s obsession with these harry fish catchers. John also wrote a highly acclaimed book A Season on the Edge in which he gave you a lot of information if you could read it between the lines in the stories. Did it make you yearn for more? Are you curious what John does with his bucktails, in inlets, in Montauk, along south shore in the sound, off his yak, in his skiff? Well, you will have a chance to find out this holiday season.

John’s new book on bucktails will blow your mind just like it did mine when I read the manuscript. Not only has it thought me what he does to be so successful but it also made me realize that although I consider myself a decent bucktails, I basically suck at it. After reading the book, I am considering so many changes of how I utilize my bucktails that I don’t even know where to start.

Last but not least…there is a new lure coming from Newb Googanheim Custom Lures. These new lures are made from special wood from Brazilian forest. Because they grow in the rainforest the wood is nonporous. Meaning lures do not have to be sealed at all. They are impervious to water. They come without hooks because they have such a splendid paint job that once the fish sees these suckers they go into immediate shock and follow the lure right to your feet in a trance. All you need is a big net to scoop them up.

10 comments on “coming up…

  1. Sioca

    Z, is there a title for the upcoming new book by John Skinner? and is there a website for those new “Newb gugaheim custom lures” plugs?
    I tried Googling it but nothing there. The same for Big Rock Lures.

  2. CTMatt

    Unfortunatly I don’t think the new state record he caught was released…saw the pic but nice catch nonetheless. I know he boated it but it would be killer to haul that from the shore!

    Can Newb Googanheim Custom Lures change color on the fly while you are retrieving it so i don’t have to settle on colors? It would take the guesswork out of plug selection if one plug could cover the entire spectrum.

  3. Barry D Thomas Sr

    Heres a link to the Rhode Island Catch


  4. Moses

    First off belated happy fathers day to all of you here at the surfcasters journal aswell as to all at surfcasters journal.thanks for the heads up on the upcoming winter reading list.I also think Dj muller has a book in the works if I’m not mistaken.I for one am looking forward to them all.oh before I forget z you should give stand up comedy a shot! Tight lines

  5. peter douma

    i feel mixed feelings about these new googanheim plugs, they may be very effsective but they are encouraging the destruction ofrain forests. LOL it was one of the funniest things i read all day

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