We lost another good one…RIP Tim Coleman

I am absolutely sick to my stomach as I write this. Few weeks ago, my son and I were in the Keys. Part of our itinerary was to meet up with Tim Coleman, former editor of The Fisherman and book author  and chase some tarpon by the bridges. I think Tim bought a condo in Key West. He spent a lot of time there and was more than willing to show us around. We never hooked up as we were not feeling well on one night he had free.

Tim also wrote an article on Block Island that was scheduled to appear this upcoming week in the new issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine…and we talked on the phone about him writing a story about chasing the tarpon in the Keys on budget for SJ. He was excited that he had photos all ready and he was excited to write for SJ. I told him, take your time, we will run it in the winter. Give guys something to dream about.

I never did met him other than being briefly introduced at shows, but last few weeks, especially in my preparation for the trip, we exchanged almost daily emails. Of course, I papered him with googanistics questions and he answered like a pro.

And then the bad news came…..around a noon the text message from one my friends informing me that Tim’s body was found at Weekapaug section of Westerly

Jesus, this is hard to take. Bob Samuleson few years ago, Al Pelini last year and now Tim..all lost while fishing.

Yes, I know he passed away doing something that he loved but he had so much to give!

I don’t have any specific info neither do I care to have a “guestimates” of what did happen. Only Tim knows and he is not telling anyone as he is smiling at us from heaven.

Another eerie coincidence is that Tim talks about late Al Pelini dying a tragic way in Cuttyhunk in his upcoming article. Yet he found the same fate as many other greats. Maybe God has a special place for them. I sure hope so

Be careful out there

May your days be filed with calm seas and large stripers.

Rest in Peace Tim

You will be missed by many


Zeno & the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine Crew

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28 comments on “We lost another good one…RIP Tim Coleman

  1. Richard aka Woodwker99

    I remember how insightful his writing was. He left this earth the way I’m sure he wanted to with fishing rod in hand. RIP Tim.

  2. Aram

    We had the pleasure of listening to Tim speak recently this winter at one of our CT Surfcaster’s Assoc. meetings. He was great, very warm and energetic. He spoke about some of the fabulous nights the gang had on Block Island in those early days in the ’80’s when the Island was a hot spot for jumbos.

    I remember him scrawling on a dry erase board “Stand here!” and he’d scribble an “X” and “…cast here!” and he’d streak the pen across the board in a wobbly arrow. He went through about five locations on Block that way. He seemed totally at ease and in a great mood. He appeared to be a man who was really enjoying retirement.

    I never met him, but admire his writing and work. My deepest sympathy to those that loved him. We lost another important figure for the sport.

    Rest in Peace

  3. Aram

    Just looked at the photo above again.

    What a humble and dignified position he’s standing in, hands crossed in front of his body next to that magnificent fish. Simple hat and sweater, no logos or weird angles to confuse the scale.

    Really a great shot, very revealing.

  4. Fish360


    I hope you are landing the fish of your dream up on high.

    Thank you for the great articles you have left behind.

    Tight lines,


    My deepest condolences to your family.

  5. Finatic

    I met Tim several times over the last 30 years or so and found that he always had time to say hello and exchange some words. He made me feel like he remembered me each time. I doubt that he did but I always hoped he did.
    RIP Tim. You’ll be missed by many.

  6. Vito Orlando

    WOW, what a shocker. I had the privelege of meeting Tim during the 80’s when I was a frequent guest of Pat Abate who along with Tim rented a house on Block Island. Tim would Fly in, fish a tide, & then fly back out. May he rest in peace.


  7. Moses

    I never got a chance to meet Tim in person but over the years I looked forward to reading his articles in the fisherman. It’s always sad to hear that a brother in the salt has passed away. Our condolences go out to his family and friends. Tight lines and calm seas…50’s on every cast.

  8. Rob Cohn

    God Bless Him. His books and articles helped many of us. I spoke to him several times and he was very helpful. A wonderful man and a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. May he have peace in his eternal rest. I am miserable about this.

  9. Lenman

    Sad day…. Never met him.. I will probably never meet many of the greats. But grew up reading his articles like many others. He wrote article in long island fisherman in April this yr called 48 yrs as a surf rat. Read it again this morning. He recalls a life chasing bass and almost has a tone of calibrating ones life as you get closer to the finish line. He ended the article ” follow your dreams guys, don’t settle for less if you want fish and fishing to be your Guiding star. You might eat beans a lot if you choose this route but what times you will have. Go bless , good luck and good hunting as you go down life’s long road”

    Gives me chills. Loved reading his stuff.

    God bless…. RIP

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