New Project

I been thinking about doing this for a long time, putting stuff I wrote over the years in some kind of order or format. No, I had no inclination of re-printing stuff. I know many of you missed articles that appeared in the Fisherman or in On The Water over the years. That why I put many of them on the blog and at one point on my website too. As I began converting mine and John Skinner’s two books into an eBook formats, I realized that finally there is something I might want to do, create an eBook. But as I goggled myself (that sounds a lot dirtier than it is) I found that people have been lifting the stuff off this blog and my site to drive traffic to their website, without even notifying me. Isn’t that nice?

I don’t have much to hang my hat on, I never invented internet like Al Gore or won a Nobel Prize like Obama for ushering in the World peace. But I am damned proud of those words I struggled to write on paper and then type them with one finger on to a PC (just like I am doing at this moment). Some of you might read this blog and scratch your head over misspelled words, mispronunciations and general Zenoisams. Let me fill you in on a little secret. I can’t spell English for the life of me. I can’t tell you what difference is between loose and lose, straight and strait, then and than. Where I come from, we spell everything as we write it so a cat is spelled with a k, not c. An egg would have only one g. So I type this stuff and press spell-check. And sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Then the article  goes to Roger who gets a bottle of Scotch to help him get trough reading this crap, trying to figure out what I meant. You on the other hand get my shit raw. No one sees or edits these blogs post other than I and Mr. Word Perfect. I figured I fill you in on that. Why? Because I am the only one typing here :-). And so you can understand why I might be protective of my writing, as mispronounced or misspelled it might be.

I posted for you guys here on the blog a series of interviews I did for the Fisherman magazine few years ago. They were hugely popular feature. I interviewed Mike Lang, Lou Derricco, Crazy Albeto, Steve Petri, Don Musso, Bill Wetzel and Eric Ernst about how they prepare and fish a particular month. I thought it would be a neat thing to put together all articles in an eBook format and I added another article where Lou, Bill and late legend Al Bentsen talk about their favorite lures. So part one of my project to document some of the stuff I’ve written over the years is done. The eBook is called Interviews with Experts (how original) and no, I don’t expect any of you to download it for your kindle, nook or ipad even if it does cost less than cup of Joe at Starbucks. It’s meant for those who might of missed this series for whatever reason or someone who would like to have the series of interviews all in one place. In the other words, for organized people unlike myself. You can find it in our store, on Amazon and nook. And no, you don’t need one of those fancy tablets to read a book. You can download a free Kindle reader from Amazon  Kindle Reading Apps  buy any eBook you want and read it on your PC. Yes, that included Kamasutra.


coming up, winners of Choppy Shirt and that mint Lemire’s Plugworks Goo Goo Eyes



congratulation to NY Giants and NE Patriots..we have a Northeast Super Bowl again !!!

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17 comments on “New Project

  1. CTMatt

    “You in the other hand get my shit raw”

    In college I kept track of shit some of my professors said…I have to keep track of some of these gems. No I wont get rich selling t-shirts with all your sayings printed on them haha but they make for excellent reading!

  2. Jeremy A

    Ive seen your stuff lifted few times Z. Take it as a compliment and then get a copyright to protect your work….I have no idea what Im talking about…..I just enjoy reading your 4am posts:) Cant wait to watch the rematch Pats and Giants. I still cant believe they missed that field goal(I feel bad for that kicker) and Pats made it by their short hairs.

  3. CTMatt

    I just don’t know how tommy and the gang do all this… i know they are just passing on awesome info and gear for the masses but everything is so polished and written for “cave men” level literacy levels like mine that i think it goes a long way.

    I posted what tons of people have on their minds in my own broken English…i have no excuse…I grew up on Lawng Guyland.

    Side note about Roger…any Easter Eggs of him in issues lately? That was a hilarious giveaway with his little side profile poking around in the food column…lol

  4. Bill H


    Raw or however you do it, I cant get enough of the blog and mag. Growing up in Queens and fishing the spots that are being written about, having fished with and met some of the authors hits home with me in a big way. I’ll take the Zenoisms every day. Keep it going strong. As far as people using your material, try to look at it as a compliment ( after you put a couple needles in the voodoo doll of course ).

  5. CTMatt

    I smell a new slogan for Google searches/keywords…

    Surfcasters Journal Blog/Magazine…where you get your Surfcasting shit raw”

    C’mon Tommy…I smell some crap brown hats and embroidered logos coming to the SJ store.

    As a bro to another bro…love this blog/journal!

    Halfway through your interview E-Book..but the wife had to watch f’n “downton abbey” so I had my iPad priveleges taken away…

  6. JRusso

    Your writings are what keep me coming back, so keep writing. There is no such thing as perfect, just ask any golfer who is aware of his or her ability.

    The key is, alcohol or not, we can figure out what you are saying, and continue to enjoy reading.

    So thanks!

  7. John S.

    Great fun here Mr. Z…… It got me thinking of “Browns” one of everyones favorite spots to fish at Montauk, just east of the sewer at Camp Hero.

    Since the Surfcasters Journal Blog is the place where we get the raw sh** of blogging, does that make this site the “Browns” of blogs?

  8. MRisser

    Z, wish I lived where (or is it ware) you are from…I hate this english language, it just so danm (or is it dam) confusing!

    On the other hand I love to read you blogs. Thanks!

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