Issue #9 is live

Here we go

Issue # 9 of you favorite magazine is live


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19 comments on “Issue #9 is live

  1. cory nguyen

    yeah i will have to read it when i get back today. i am slacking in my reading area. I dont think i have finished the last issue, how bad of me. great job sj

  2. CTMatt

    That wetsuiting article reminds me of a few close calls i have had on my own…I think about the risk/benefit of pushing myself to try more challenging spots but in the end I realize it just isn’t worth it to get a hit. A few guys i fish with continue to challenge me when i suit up but in the back of my mind I am at least coming to terms with my own sense of limitation. Can be totally scary!

  3. woodwker99

    Thanks guys for all your efforts to put out the best issue yet. I have half of it read but as with all really good things I pace myself for I know when I am done I will be left wanting more.
    Z I have a need for your e-mail as I have a tail or 2 to share.

  4. Adam

    Willy told me about Jack Frech the friday b4 Irene visited in MTK. It was nice to read about my back yard from his perspective. The wetsuiting article gave great advice, practice swimming in boots & fins & stay in shape.

  5. Vito Orlando

    Z, The best one yet. Especially enjoyed the interview with Willy talking about “The Professor”. I know you spend a lot time on the The Magazine when you could be fishing and that’s a good thing for me. “One Less Plug In The Rip”. Stay well my friend.


  6. Lou

    “who are you kidding Lou?..I don’t do anything around here…just a figurehead..haha”
    Ah, just like to bust your stones!! We ALL know you da Man!!

    Right from the first issue they just get better and better, awesome job. SJ makes the other fishing publications look like the high school newspaper.
    Oh, and page 77, 14′ rod, Crack 300 and big plugs!! Now that’s a true Surfcaster.

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