Rollin' with The Rock

We recently asked for your suggestions on how we can improve the Surfcaster’s Journal magazine. Regardless of ideas we might have, the only way we can make this better if more of you decide to contribute by sending us ideas for article and writing the stories yourselves. We are big believers that surfcasters who write are much more interesting  then writers who surf fish. So if you have an idea or story you want us to follow up on or you want to write the story itself, please drop us a line. We are all ears…

One  thing that has been missing from the magazine has been coverage of our beach buggies. After all, every surfcaster either owns, is looking to own one, or dreams of getting a beach buggy. We are happy to announce that  this will be the thing of the past starting with our next issue.

New Jersey surfcasters and custom lure builder Russ “Big Rock” Paoline has graciously accepted our offer to write a beach buggy column for the Surfcaster’s Journal magazine. Many of you know Russ as very popular lure builder whose wooden creations are always in demand. He will share his thoughts on truck maintenance, beach driving, customization or anything else that relates to beach buggies.

Please join us in welcoming Big Rock to the Surfcaster’s Journal family of contributors who toil in obscurity to make your  day a little brighter and you fishing experience a little more satisfying.


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15 comments on “Rollin' with The Rock

  1. CTMatt

    I bet his beach buggy has a lathe attachment in the tailgate for those last minute tweakshaha…probably the only thing the Unimog from a few issues back DOESN’T have lol.

    I envision something for him that is a cross between an Abrams tank, a Unimog…and a semi tractor trailer. Oh yeah and throw in the Grave Digger Monster Truck as well in the mix.

    Congrats Russ! Love your plugs! Probably the only thing tougher then the man himself!

  2. Terry Farrell

    I think thats a great idea. Now a days there is all wheel drive,good for sand ? Which vehicle has enough ground clearance which ones dont? etc

  3. Big Rock

    Thanks guys, I am a police officer in Trenton, NJ, however my dad was a lifelong auto mechanic and my grandfather was a lifelong diesel mechanic, so you can say there is 10w-40 in my veins and grease in my joints. I worked as a mechanic for many years prior to my police service, and I have been driving the beach for 30 years. I hope some of the things I picked up over the years can help to make your time on the sand a little easier. BTW, if I get too long winded please let me know…lol

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