Merry Christmas, Uncle Josh, Sebile Lures and other stuff

First I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Funny story…. I was just walking from my job and as I am walking through Kmart in Penn Station, I found about 10 jars of Uncle Josh pork rinds for about five bucks each and I grabbed them all. P1010003


Because Uncle Josh as of next year is stopping production on the pork rind line that we so love. Not hundred percent sure why, it seems to me that they need specific type of pork rind to make those and its not economical. I was told they have enough in stock for this year but after the current stock runs out they will not be produced anymore. Which is kind of upsetting considering I don’t use anything but the 240S or 70 S Uncle Josh pork rinds. I guess we will have to make adjustments. Those Otter Tails that Dave Anderson has written about in the past issue of the magazine might be the best replacement option. I’m not suggesting you stock up, what I’m telling you that I am certainly doing it. This way I can at least push the date when I have to worry about this years in the future. It would not surprise me one bit if we find that someone has jumped into the space and try to re-create a similar product.

One of these days I’m going to write details exactly what happened to me in the last few weeks, part of the reason why I was kind of absent. I have had not only one but two major computer failures and I let’s just say a lot of stuff is gone. In fact this is the first blog I’m writing by using a dictation software. Not sure why it took me so long to do it, because if any of you guys know me well, you know that I can’t type for shit. Blog can take me hours to type with one finger. The dictation software does not speak Cringlish either…major bummerqqs2w

But it’s Christmas time, and I don’t want dwell on the negatives. My family is good, my friends are good and from what I can see, a lot of our readers are still catching fish, which is awesome. I mean seriously balmy 70° on Christmas Eve? I don’t know about you if you’re working office but for a  construction guys, it’s awesome.20151223_091841

As I mentioned before I just returned from Costa Rica where I was invited to test new PENN Clash reels and bunch of other stuff. I will try to write a detailed blog about the experience and the products,  and  I  can’t wait to go back there again. This is my second trip to Costa Rica, the first one being with my buddy Ray. We  just bounced on the rocks for a week and had a great time. This time i spent few days on a boat with Patrick Sabile casting away at roosters and jacks. I will readily admit that I kind of enjoy being the only “ surf” guy on this trip. While everyone else was just happily trolling live bait I was at the bow casting my arm off. The good news is that the new PENN Clash is as good as advertised, new spider wire camo supposedly cannot be made fast enough for retail sales, and a really good news for those of you who love Sabile lures, they will be relaunching them next year at the price point that you really going to like. If I remember correctly instead of $35 dollars expect to pay about $19 for them. And they will come in more colors like mackerel , bunker, with reinforced hook hangers and more details on the lures. I think sometimes people forget that every line needs a refreshing every once in a while. Patrick told me he’s been making those lures for about 17 years now and since he partnered up with pure fishing, he now has an ability to make them more affordable and with better hardware..20151215_070840

And last but not least, the winner of the last weeks giveaway, a set of Charlie’s Graves Lures is Tony Politi. Congratulations Toni, you have 5 days to email us at with your shipping address.

Merry Christmas everyone.

On the personal note, If you are planing to attend Striper Day, please click on bellow link and let us know that you coming if you have an FB account.It helps us get an idea of who’s coming. More on the show this weekend

Striper Day Event Page on FB   (


13 comments on “Merry Christmas, Uncle Josh, Sebile Lures and other stuff

  1. Dave Whitney

    Merry Christmas all!
    Gotten away from porkrind the last few seasons and used grub tail instead. Catch plenty on the grub and don’t have dried leather on my bt’s because I forgot to take it off.

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