
I know most f our readers are enjoying their weekend so I’ll keep this brief. Tune in tomorrow for a winner of ZeeBaaS Camo Reel.

Ok, the winner of a guided trip with Bill, one or two anglers is

The winner should call Bill directly–631-987-6919

Trip is good for 2014 and expires at year end so call Bill

Congratulation, you will have a great time no matter what.


Two, winner of Guides Secret Bunka Boy Swimmer and a Popper is Mark Konarski

You have 5 days to email us at

Please be advise that they will not ship before next Sunday as will all online store orders because I will not be around.


Lets remember why we celebrate this holiday while we are gathered in back yards with our families.

The Freedom is not Free. Many have sacrificed for us to leave in peace and purse our passion of surfcasting. Our hats of to all of them


And last and not least, Happy 18th birthday to my best friend, fishing partner and a person that changed my life in so many ways when he was born eighteen years ago today, Wimy son Steven.

DSC_3524Special thanks to Steve Musso from Super Strike Lures who surprised us both with this super special NY Mets signed darter.

6 comments on “Winners

  1. jerrryboy

    Hey Z congrats to your son on his 18th , and I will bet he has a better chance of landing a 50 lbs bass with that darter , than the Mets have at returning to a World Series!!!!!!!!! LoL

  2. Vic D

    Happy Birthday Steven ! We met this past spring at Asbury . The pleasure was all mine . Please keep an eye out for Dad…… He’s gettin old quicker than He thinks . LOL… All the best to all you guys for a job well done.

  3. frank ward

    hey zeno thats a nice mets plug. i am a mets fan myself. i bet that plug can win more bass than the met can win games. well like i always say season just started and its a long one. happy birthday kid.

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