Sunday special , three new videos and lots of ice

Ice age…anyone watched that movie? Because that is what we woke up to this morning. The poor wife went outside to get a Sunday paper, not realizing that hell froze over. How bad was it? She had to take her shoes off and walk in socks to get back to the doors to get some kind of a grip over ice. If any of you were on the road this morning, we hope you got to wherever you had to go safely.

Three videos for today’s Blog

First, preview of the issue #23 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Online Magazine. We got articles from yours truly, Crazy Alberto Knie, Frank Diagnault, John Skinner, John Hanecek, Greg McSherry, late Frank Pintauro, Dave Anderson along with your favorite columnists. Some videos from Mexico, legendary NY surfman Fred Schwab talks about fishing for whiting on Navy Piers in 1950 at Montauk Point. Lou Caruso will show you how to modify your surf bag so that not all lures come out at once when you are perched on the rock.

Subscribe to the Surfcaster’s Journal Online Magazine today and get access to all our videos and all our past issues


Our second video is courtesy of our friend Larry Wentworth. Larry makes lures under Big Fish Co brand and this is a video about his 2013 season he put together with his lovely wife and fishing partner, Angie.


And last and never the least, our own columnist, John I-can-catch-a-fish-in-a-roadside-puddle Skinner has a new video out on (what else) hammering bass on pencil poppers


16 comments on “Sunday special , three new videos and lots of ice

  1. terry

    Larry makes it look so easy in the canal. I’ve fished it and it wasn’t so easy. And how he releases the fish was worth the watch, gentle after the stress of being caught. Nice video Larry. And all the other vids. John I never get enough of. And yours to show that this is an exciting sport.

  2. BigFishlarry

    Thanks Zeno for posting our video! We are so happy with the result and we are glad many of your readers might get a chance to see it and we hope it certainly warms them a bit on these cold winter days! Spring will be here soon folks! 😉 Can’t wait for issue 23 to drop!! I love me some fresh SCJ!!!

  3. DonR

    Walked out this morning for the paper–slid across the sidewalk into the snow!
    Thanks Z & SCJ needed a break from the weather. Can’t wait for the new issue.

  4. sioca

    Great videos, thanks!!

    Zeno and Larry: If it’s not to much to ask, but what are the names of the songs and artist on the videos?

    I wont ask that of John. That’s like going to church and quietly listening ……………lol

    1. zhromin Post author

      Our videos. .I have to use generic music becouse the way are youtube account is setup
      If I use commercial music youtube automaticaly disables it for mobile
      that is why I rarely use it
      Maybe Larry will chime in on his music

  5. bigfishlarry

    Sioca…..that is a song called “Be Here Now”…very appropriate I thought……it is by Ray LaMontagne and the album you will find it on is called “Till The Sun Turns Black”. It is a beautiful song…very haunting!

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