With every door that closes ….

I should have done this awhile ago but it’s never too late to say thank you so today is the day.

All of us at the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine extend our sincerest thanks to our friend Steve McKenna. As many of you know, Steve is not just an awesome writer but a hell of a surfcaster, and modest one to boot. I can honestly say that having him in my life as a friend is a reward that is hard for me to put into the words. Even although I see him once or twice a year he always made me feel like he is always just a phone call away if I needed something. I hope he feels the same way. After being a HUGE part of SJ family from the day one, Steve has decided to give his writing hand a break to enjoy other things in life. I am not privy to his plans but all of us at Surfcaster’s Journal wish him well and we thank him for believing in what we do when very few did. Steve will always be a part of extended SJ family.

With every door that closes another one opens up….

I am happy to welcome our newest columnist and another personal friend and awesome surfcaster, New Jersey DJ Muller. DJ and I kind of “grew up” together in this sport in a sense that we both came out with our first two books at the same time. DJ got me beat in the looks category as I was told I have a face for a radio while I have him beat in the gut category although I am working on slimming down 🙂

All kidding aside, I am proud to call both of these extraordinary men my friends and I am honored they both contribute to the Surfcaster’s Journal.

In this issue in few weeks we have columns by

Roger “I am still cool”  Martin

John” The Genius” Skinner

Al “The Hunter” Albano

John “The Fly Master” Papciak

Russ ” Big Rock” Paoline

Andrew ” The Swimming Chef” Chase

Lou “The Rod Guru” Caruso

Dave “The Plugoholic” Anderson

DJ “Island Hopper” Muller

With articles from

Beating the Doldrums – Denis Zambrotta

Fly fishing primer – Angelo Peluso

The Island Approach – DJ Muller

Montauk Madness – Bill Jakob

Needlefish History  –  Frank Pintauro

and then bunch of original videos, plus a crap load of reviews.

If you are not a Surfcaster’s Journal Subscriber, all I can ask is why ?

Go over that list again and you tell me that that is not an INSANE number of talent on that list.

New Book Release: Fly Fishing The Surf 6-1-2013

New York – Skyhorse Publishing (NYC) has released a new book title by fly fisherman, angling journalist and author,  Angelo Peluso. The book,  Fly Fishing the Surf, is a comprehensive and essential volume dedicated to surf and wade fishing along the entirety of the East Coast, from the rugged Maine coastline to Florida’s tropical flats. This book opens up the prolific world of fly-fishing the surf to seasoned and aspiring anglers and demonstrates the enormous promise this form of angling can offer anglers of all skill levels. A wealth of content, photographs, and images help to explore the waters of the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic states, and the Southeast as the book guides anglers to discover a veritable gold mine of game fish and fly-fishing opportunities. Fly Fishing The Surf covers all aspects of tackle, techniques, strategies, game fish and baitfish, flies, and destinations. It will become an invaluable addition to your arsenal of fly-fishing tackle and gear.  Regardless of experience or skill level  there is something for every shore-based fly angler who casts to inshore coastal game fish.

Early praise for Fly Fishing The Surf  has come from some of the most iconic and distinguished pioneers of the sport:

“Fishing beaches, shorelines, and bays with fly tackle is a special experience. Angelo Peluso captures this magic in a book filled with solid information, great insights, and his love of the surf. I’m sure this book will kindle a spark in many anglers to discover water they never considered fishing.”

Lou Tabory, legendary fly fisherman, fly tier and author

Angelo Peluso has spent many years fly fishing in many of the surfs on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, which certainly qualifies him to write this book.  He has been extremely generous with how-to tips and instructions.  I am sure you will find this enjoyable book easy to read and easy to use.  I certainly did.”

Stu Apte, IGFA Hall-of-Fame Angler and five-time winner of the Ted Williams Award

“Angelo Peluso is a solid fly fisherman and writes about what he practices.  I’m sure that if you fish the surf, this book will give you valuable information.”

Bernard “Lefty Kreh, an iconic and world renowned fly angler, fly tier, caster, author and photographer, and creator of the Lefty’s Deceiver.

“In my book, Complete Book of Surf Fishing, I devoted only eight pages to fly fishing in the surf, but in Angelo Peluso’s Fly Fishing the Surf, there’s an entire book’s worth of information by a master of the art.”

Captain Al Ristori, renowned angler, author, charter captain and editor at Saltwater Sportsman and the Newark Star- Ledger

Angelo Peluso is an award-winning outdoors journalist, book, photographer and lecturer whose work has appeared in numerous local. regional and national publications. He is a seasoned saltwater fly angler with a number of tippet class world records under his belt. Fly Fishing The Surf is his fourth fly-fishing book and joins his other titles: Saltwater Flies of the Northeast; Fly Fishing Long Island; and Saltwater Flies of the Southeast and Gulf Coast.

Skyhorse Publishing  is a premier publisher of angling, sporting and outdoor sports books.  Its other imprints cover wide range of reader interests.  You can find out more about their other book offerings at www.skyhorsepublishing.com.


Fly Fishing The Surf  is available at all major book outlets and online merchants or direct from the author at www.angelopeluso.com

5 comments on “With every door that closes ….

  1. James Jewkes

    Thanks to all the contributors. Things that I have read in this blog and mag I have put to work in my surfcasting and has increased the number and size of fish and overall enjoyment of the sport. DJ Muller is a great addition I had the pleasure of talking with him at the rissa show this year. Thanks again to all who work hard to help all the surfcasters out there. Jim

  2. greggp

    I subscribed to SCJ at the Asbury Park show this year. It has made getting up at 3am to hit the beach and toss the line into the surf like a shot of Jack Daniels hitting your throat and getting that buzz. I have read all the articles even if it’s something I didn’t think I’d care about and found it interesting. Thanks to all the contributors and to Steve McKenna, Thanks for taking your time to help others get as excited about the surfcasting as you.

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