Winner of Super Strike Custom Lure giveaway

I think it’s only fair we pick the winner of the Super Strike Custom Lure Giveaway while the Musso’s are at the Surf Day in New Jersey 🙂

We are headed that way in few minutes, but if you get the chance to pick Don’s brain, don’t  let the opportunity pass you by. The man is encyclopedia of fishing knowledge.

I am looking forward to Surf Day . Seeing friends that I don’t get to see often like Big Rock, DJ Muller, Shell Caris, J.M., Sudsy and so many more…plus there are a lot of people i conversed via email but never got to meet…till today

Tom Lynch who makes these great surf videos, Scot from Hansom tackle that makes one hell of a pliers, Tom from Commando bags…this should be a lot of fun

If you are attending, stop by the Surfcaster’s Journal table and say hi to the Tommy, the dude that makes the mag so easy on the eyes.

And now, the winner of Super Strike Custom Lure giveaway is


Congrats Mo

you got 5 days to get us your address to

The Musso boys in Montauk Gear from SJ STORE

13 comments on “Winner of Super Strike Custom Lure giveaway

  1. CTmatt

    Judging from the fact I see torpedo handles and non drilled cups as well as older blanks I would say those reels have to be low serial originals from the mid to late 90’s. I have seen gold non drilled, never black though. Drags aren’t sealed if they are that old but who knows.


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