Win a wood darter from Choopy Lures

I am feeling like giveaway this evening..but first, let’s announce the winner of last week Lemire’s Plugworks Sick Jitter Bug

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The winner is . You have five days to furnish your address to Get to it

as for this week’s giveaway, I have something really sweet that I been saving for awhile. Everyone knows that Super Strike Steve Musso makes awesome plastic darter. And there are many wood lure builders that make a great wood darter……ok, that is a pure sarcasm. Some wood builders never graduated past making the metal lip swimmer and could not build five darters that swim consistently if their life depended on it. Seriously, you know who you

Which makes those who mastered making wood darters on consistent basis even cooler. I mean, who does not want to hang out with a dude who can spin a mean wooden darter? And whose name is Choopy?

All kidding aside, today’s giveaway is courtesy of Charlie from Choopy Lures. You can see all the lures he makes by clicking here at


The winner will walk away with this Choopy Darter


and a little video too


176 comments on “Win a wood darter from Choopy Lures

  1. Mike

    I have a few Choopy lures and really like his work and this darter would be a great addition. Thanks for the opportunity to win this beauty Zeno

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