Win a Goo Goo Eye from Lemire's Plugworks

I got my Giants pajama set on, my son’s lucky Cruz jersey, my NY slippers….and a nasty cold. After fighting trough the week with it on a job that is as cold as an icebox, I finally relented and took a day off, trying to get better. Construction can be a tough business when you are not feeling well. No sick days, no vacation days, no mercy. You are not up to it today? Don’t worry, we’ll get another guy from the union to replace you. Thankfully I been working for good people all these years who have been nothing but good to me. Still, you hate an unpaid day of in middle of January…October? Now that is much easier to take:-)

I want to give you a chance to win an very cool plug from Lemire Plugworks. I was looking at this plug this morning as I was taking pictures and boy, does this lure speaks history ! Eight inches and 3 ounce Goo Goo Eye , it has been a go-to plug of the Cuttyhunk captains since like …forever. Some world record fish over the years fell for its seductive motion around that fabled island. Al from Lemire’s Plugsworks does a really nice job in recreating this historical plug by using today’s technology and premium hardware to assemble it. Really sweet…

Good luck to you all, I feel bad that only one of you will win this beauty but that will make it even sweeter..for the winner that is

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303 comments on “Win a Goo Goo Eye from Lemire's Plugworks

  1. steve j

    hey z.. i know the feeling. atleast your with a good company. i was recently with a company with a not so great reputation and got really sick in the first week. like it was 85* that day and i was freezing, i took a day and a half off and spent my time in the summer heat in sweat pants, a hoodie, and under my blanket without any a/c on. and the super of the company still gave me crap… anyway, im in šŸ™‚ beautiful plug

  2. harv

    Feel better kahuna. At least u go on vacat 4 a month & down to fla to visit alberto the witch doctor while us other earthlinks afre grinding it out like hampsters o a treadmill.(.obamas change) lol IM IN IM IN
    IM IN for googoo eye

  3. chuckg

    I’m in, take a 16 oz, glass, 1/2 full of gin, the juice of a real lemon, fill with hot water, drink in 1 minute, you’ll wake up the next day good as new. I had this remedy given to me by a couple of pipefitters I lived with while working on the Fraser paper Co. #9 machine in Madawaska Maine in the 70’s, never fail remedy.

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