Present and future, part deux

Just an update on the previous post. Tommy and I meet with dude that drinks at the Genius bar in regards to redesigning the website, fixing this darn blog and a brand spanking new platform for the magazine. More or less, we kind of figured out what we think it should look. Look for the changes sometimes next year. Tommy is going to be a lead guy on this as he is the Director of Cool Sh!t..and he knows what looks good. I am little behind the ball on this as I am sure that old Sophia Loren poster is still hanging in my room in Croatia. And yeah, I am a big fan of Mel Torme…so there…lol

Coincidentally, Tommy is working on the new issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal, should be out in a week and so..just in time for the fall run. There is a very honest look at the life of one of the hardest fishing surf guides anywhere…stay tuned.

We also wanted you to know that any donation to SJ Crew from today on will go to newly established SJ Junior Angler Program. No, we do not want you to flood us with donations and no we are not soliciting any. We are working on few ideas on how to fund it, including some catch and release tournaments in the fall with Junior Angler Program as the sole beneficiary. Stay tuned for details on that..we need to get kids involved into sport and into reading SJ instead of FB 🙂

Tomorrow we have a very, very special Labor Day giveaway from Guppy Lure Co, you can check out their lures at

More on that tomorrow..I’ll leave you with something that is destined to become a classic, made by dudes who never made a cast in their life….ANIMAL NewYork



The winner of the book Striperman, Confessions & Secrets of a Commercial Pin-Hooker is Greg

You know the deal…you have 5 days to email us your shipping address at

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9 comments on “Present and future, part deux

  1. Rich B.

    Just a suggestion that I’m sure you’ve probably already thought about, but how about a “Search” feature on blog version 2.0? You now have pages and pages of posts so researching the blog for info is a real chore. Thanks!!

  2. Tim

    Man everything I watch that video my heart rate goes insane. Just showed my wide that vid. She said I would never have a sir down with you about fishing too much. What a wifey. But I. Reality I’ve really never put in the amount of time Zeno and the rest have. Put it this way way, I have a cold or mild case of the flu compared to These guys begging for malaria.

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