New Yorkers

Lou Caruso

Are New Yorkers “Harsh”


I recently completed a business transaction with a gentleman from Massachusetts. After the transaction was completed we were chatting and in conversation he made a statement that “New Yorkers were harsh”. I let it go, as I was not sure where he was coming from and did not want to get into an argument.


It got me thinking though. Ever see some of the brawls that take place on these fishing forums especially during the winter? “Internet fisherman” has the ability to spew information like its gospel and if anyone dare go against what they have to say all hell breaks loose. I know, as I was recently on the receiving end of one of these tirades, from a fellow New Yorker no less.


Where am I going with this? I have met a lot of people over the years in this fishing community. 99.9% of them have been true gentleman & women and a pleasure to know. Then there’s that 1/10 of 1% that are hell. They are the ones that make it their mission to be antagonistic and disagree with everyone and everything. They are also usually the loudest and make the most lasting impression.


So for the few that make it bad for the rest of us, I apologize. New Yorkers are a great bunch of guys. Passionate yes, harsh, I don’t think so….


One last note; what you put in print could haunt you and ruin your reputation forever.


Spring is here. Time to get out and fish ….

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13 comments on “New Yorkers

  1. Brian Miles

    Lou, unfortunately your comments about the small percentage on Forums is correct and that is worldwide.
    I live outside of the US but travel regularly within and have always found that the individuals I have come in contact with have been very pleasant and have to say that dealing with the US lure manufacturers in particular is a pleasure and tackle dealers in general, are always service orientated and therefore my perception of the US is very positive whether East or West coast. New Yorkers are no different in my book and I look forward to my next trip.

  2. Vito Orlando

    Lou, I think that guy from Mass is still suffering from the Red Sox collapse Last Year and The Giants win over New England in the Super Bowl. What did/do they say 18 & 1, No now 18 & 2. Sorry Z, I know you are a Red Sox Fan.


  3. Matt

    Generally speaking NewYorkers are very free with there opinion and dont pull punches. I dont consider it a bad thing myself. It may come across as harsh or course to many. To me being brutely honest although harsh is allot better then being a brown noiseing, lieing, bullshit artitst.

  4. frank w

    Plus if your italian you got no worries only joking. A lot of guys have computer muscles meaning muscles in there fingers punching a keyboatd. Jusy ignore them

  5. richtrox

    You’re one of the good guys Lou.

    As a moderator on the surf board of the often maligned, I can tell you that it only takes one or two hyper-active goof balls to pull an entire discussion board under the waves, and ruin it for all the good members.

  6. Zeno

    Vito, I am not much of a baseball fan these days but I am looking forward to watching with my son Jose Reyes play in his new stadium in Miami soon….

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