Mega subscription giveaway to the members of our armed forces.

A Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine subscriber, who prefers to stay anonymous, graciously offered to sponsor a dozen SJ subscriptions this holiday season. With only caveat that they all go to a surfcasters with some form of armed service background, either active or retired. The Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine will match this generous offer with donation of another dozen subscriptions to the magazine. So in total, today we are giving away 24, one year subscriptions to the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.

Few simple rules

You must be either active or retired member of the armed forces.

You must be a surf fisherman and not  a current Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine  subscriber.

Enter your military history in simple terms, name , place and time.

Sample ” John Doe, USS Missouri 1970-79 ‘ or ” John Doe 3rd battalion 13th infantry regiment 1956-75″

That is it. We will pick 24 winners and contact them via email, and activate their complimentary subscription

Because we love and support our troops. They are one of the reasons why USA still is the greatest country in the world. God Bless our Troops and we pray for their safe return home to their families.

And thank you to those, like our anonymous benefactor, who are always thinking of others, at holiday time and throughout the year


45 comments on “Mega subscription giveaway to the members of our armed forces.

  1. Jason Testa

    SSG JASON TESTA 1/8 infantry ft Carson Colorado 2001-2008 disabled due to injuries sustained on my second tour of duty in Iraq
    Thank you for appreciating all of us! Good luck to all!

  2. chuckd

    Thank You!!!!!!… For those who have served and for the donations (from the subscriber and to Surfcasters Journal for matching) !!!
    Merry Christmas ( Happy Holidays) to all Present, past and future service members

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