Learning from the Master

The Master speaks





John Skinner has a new book coming out for holiday. It is basically everything you ever wanted to know about fishing with bucktails but you were afraid to ask. Brilliant if you ask me. I’ve read the manuscript and can tell you that it might be the best book I’ve ever read. Period. And you can quote me on that !

You can get more info about John by visiting his website at http://www.fisherslog.com/

6 comments on “Learning from the Master

  1. Robert Mc Carthy

    Is that your answer lol
    John is a informative and a positive person, what most lack in the fishing world. It`s always a good seeing his videos and reading his articles.

  2. Pete F

    Always interesting to see how people train eels. Everyone has at least a little different spin on it.
    I love fishing trained eels they are much easier than live ones, and once you train them they stay trained.

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