Confidence….by Crazy Alberto Knie


Confidence….by Crazy Alberto Knie

I’ve written many articles and done countless seminars about the art of trophy fishing, but seldom discussed about something that is equally as important as tackle, skill set and techniques. We all enjoy fishing and are constantly sharpening our skills to be the best of what we can be. However, often times we concentrate on the obvious and forget what really makes us tick… or to understand the why and how we think about it before and during the outing.

As you can see, this is not my typical or the normal topic that I usually write… but it is something that needs to be brought out, and I believe it is part to becoming a better surfcaster (or complete fisherman). No matter what level of a surfcaster we are, we are all triggered by an internal drive or need. What I am basically saying is that we want to strive, and excel … and be a proficient angler at will. I guess this is about becoming the top 10% of the fishermen that catches 90% of the fish.

 As I understand, to some, fishing is supposed to be a recreational and fun event, a time for an escape, or to enjoy nature and possibly to provide fresh food for the table. Regardless of the reasons – For those who have been in this game for a very long time, and have reached a greater level of satisfaction, and achievement (a sharpie if you will)… They possess a level of greater confidence, and understand the philosophical mindset of a accomplished fisherman.  Without confidence, they cannot strive and excel the leaps and bounds of achievements. I believe this trade of thought is fed by experience and consciousness of will!  In which point has everything to do with the successful outcome. At this point, you are probably thinking that I am reaching and gone crazy with this article, but am I really?  Let’s put it this way, without the confidence and mindset, you really don’t have much to go by. You would only be prospecting and hoping for the best –  where those who have the awareness and fish with a positive attitude, their outcome are far more rewarding. Overall, I am guessing this is based on the philosophical & power of the mind.

Before you come to the conclusion that I’ve have lost it, or I am writing about nothing, allow me to present you with a case. There were times where I fish with friends and I ask them this simple question.  “What are we doing tonight?”  And their answers were “oh, I don’t know, let’s see what happens”. The results of most of the outings were non memorable to say the least.  On the other hand, the nights where I asked the same innocent question to different friends…and their replies are  “I am confident and have a good feeling about tonight…”  Much to my findings, those outcome were stellar with greater results. One would probably think it  a coincidence of  just a great outing, but I like to think otherwise.  The results were due to the positive mindset, and having everything to do with fishing and transmitting positive energy.

Allow me to further my findings and allow me to ask you this question.  Have you ever talked to a seasoned and accomplished fisherman? Have you ever noticed their attitude and demeanor? Upon knowing many accomplished trophy hunters – Through my experiences, I find them wired, full of positive / high energy and they are constantly thinking of positive thoughts. Although many may think they are full of themselves, I have to say there is a very fine line between arrogance and being ambitious. Next time you are in the presence of an experienced angler… pay closer attention and try to see what I mean. I honestly believe there is something to this philosophy… and it has a lot to the positive thinking and believing.  

Now let’s get back to the obvious, understanding tides, tackle, techniques helps the outcome – but having the confidence / positive attitude will definitely help you break the leaps and bounds.

Now let’s get to the bottom of this, and try to find out how one can possibly achieve this state of positive mindset. The truth, I really don’t know… but I am confident that the secrets lie in there. Although time on the water empowers the knowledge and sets the stage of being at the right time and day, by achieving awareness of the said confidence and positive thinking, it will create and open doors to greatness.

Mind you, in my defense (so you don’t think I’ve lost it),  I’ve discuss this very topic with my fellow colleagues and they all concur that there is something to this… but they can’t finger-point it out. But it is definitely an added value to their successes and catching abilities. Moreover, they totally understand the positive train of thoughts, the confidence and the will powers that they have within. In fact, a few even described it as a disease and being addictive. The funny thing about it all, I agree because yours truly also feel it, but since I am not a philosopher or psychologist, it is difficult to unravel it. If you are wondering who the folks are… I am referring to Avid and World record holders, Captains, tournament winners and the “under the radar” folks. One thing for sure, whatever it is, it’s very empowering and it makes us do the things most other won’t do. As an example, make us sacrifice our obligations to fish, forego countless sleepless hours, and push the limits where some call it extreme and outright crazy. More ironically, we do it with great confidence and with an unparallel eviction.

Since this is my Surfcaster’s Journal blog… I figured I could speak my mind and share my thoughts.  I am eager to have an open dialog and welcome any feedback you may have.  Overall, I am confident we can learn from this and hopefully crack another code to becoming a better fisherman.

Sincerely yours,

Crazy Alberto Knie

 Crazy Al Rock Striper

22 comments on “Confidence….by Crazy Alberto Knie

  1. mikebfishn

    This is so true . Very well put Al. I feel that if you dont have confidence or postive attitude while on the water ….you are already beat before you get your line wet. Why make a cast if your unsure or not feeling it…you have to be in that confident mindset to think like a trophy fish. Belive in yourself and what your doing. You will be more tuned in to whats going on around you , and will be able present your offering more effectively and get into “the zone “.

  2. chuckg

    You know, I surf fished for 35 years caught a lot of fish, wrecked my body and when I hear the story of the guy whose first time surf fishing catches a 58 pound fish in a place I put more time into than, probably, any 5 people, I wonder….

    1. Crazy Alberto Knie

      ChuckG, Don’t wonder… It happens to the “lucky” first timer and that’s just part of fishing. The true question is (and you should ask yourself this)… Do you think that same first timer will be able to catch another impressive fish? I say probably not. Why? Because he just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

      On the other hand, a “seasoned angler” pays close attention to details – and the likelihood of replicating many catches are better than good. Again, don’t wonder or worry about the lucky first timer… You need to pay attention to details (calculative) and fish with confidence! That “confidence” needs to be put into place! Trust me, persistency and confidence… is the key to a successful outing!

  3. birdshark

    I definitely agree on the confidence issue. I’m not always confident when I’m out there, but I see how it positively impacts my fishing. For me, confidence building is a cumulative thing and it goes hand in hand with learning more. When I start catching fish, my confidence grows and I feel that I’ve made the right choices on location, tide, plug and it lets me be comfortable enough to try different plugs, retrieves, etc. This allows me to learn what is working and not working at that time and helps me build knowledge for future outings and ultimately become more confident. I become much more engaged in the process when it all comes together like that.

    1. Crazy Alberto Knie

      Birdshark, Great point! Confidence plays a huge role and it will be your driving force to push the limits….and to want more! 🙂

  4. MRisser

    Love the post, Al!
    Here’s my take on the subject. This thing that we do, surfcasting, is not automatic, meaning there is an element of risk associated with every outing that it may not end “well”. By “well” I mean, we can all say that we enjoy the fresh air, the elements of the sea, the experience of companionship, etc., but at the core we want to catch fish. We want to feel the energy of a strike, and experience the power of fight – i.e. end “well”. Things can be done to maximize the chance of that happening (knowing your location, wind, tide, season, etc.), but it’s a risk that the outcome may be just a late night walk/swim at best, and an equipment failure or injury at worse. How does this relate to the confidence state of mind that you wrote about? For me, this state of mind is less about some esoteric positive energy that draws fish (although I am NOT dismissing that) it is about the inward expectation that the thing you’re doing will result in success. I drive to that further location, try that new technique, stay out just a little later, go out again when I’m tired, cast with the expectation of a strike all because I have a confident mindset. I’ve seen others without it, and they have fun when catching fish is good, but they are out of the equation when success is hard to find, the night gets long, the sacrifice of time is “too much”. That’s how this mindset propels me, and you are right you can see this in those that consistently enjoy the sport.

    1. Crazy Alberto Knie

      MRisser, After reading your comment… I know you’ve been fishing for a very long time (because you understand the ins and outs of successful outings). You are also correct – Positive mindset comes from experience, and it is a form of self motivation (and drive) to meet a goal set. For those who do not understand, or are just out there to have fun (which it’s okay), they will not get it, and probably not be part of that 10% elite group. Fishing with a positive mindset / confidence – it will lead them to it.

  5. Tedc

    You mention the reader might think you are crazy a couple times in this piece… The funny thing is Alberto Knie could say a through-wired frankfurter is a big bass lure, and guys would be out there trying it, i hate to admit it– probably myself included. In an article about confidence, its amazing to hear how humble the message is, which is probably why Alberto is so so successful, and respected. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Crazy Alberto Knie

      TedC, You are too kind with your words, and I appreciated it. Thank you! To me, fishing is a lifestyle and my goal is to empower as many people as possible (with as much of my hands-on experiences). I also try to motivate those who are in the need to become a better fisherman. I truly believe this world would be a better place if we all fished! 🙂

  6. rubin bahar


    i used to know Al Knie via fishing forum when i lived in nyc area in 1995-97. are you the same Al? i went fishing with you several times and also with Mike Plaia’ boat. love to get connected again.

    1. Crazy Alberto Knie

      Rubin Bahar, Yes, that would be me. I do recall the very early AOL fishing forums – and remember Mike Plaia well. I used to fish the Montauk suds all night long, with no sleep and hop on his boat during the daylights,… and chased tuna, fluke, seabass, sharks etc…. and by the end of the day…. I geared back up, and hit the suds at night. It was a vicious non-stop-fishing marathon cycle – and I was powered by coffee and powernaps. So you know, I am still good friends with Mike Plaia as well as Hans. 😀

  7. Gus

    The old joke of that’s why they call it fishing not catching is something that is very true. In recent years, I’ve changed my outlook to each and every single outing I undertake. My mindset is this, I do not have an expectation that I am going to catch. Maybe because I don’t want to set an unrealistic expectation and be disappointed when I don’t catch. But one thing that I do have is confidence. Confidence in my knots, my gear, the time I go, where I decide to wet my line, but more-so than confidence, I love to fish. I love being out there, I love the mind game, I love the thrill of battling a fish and battling the surf at the same time, it’s awesome. Yes, I am more happy when I come home with a fish in the cooler, but happy regardless of what the ocean had to offer me that day. The striper season has been in gear for a few weeks now in Jersey. I’ve only been out 3 times. Two out of the three I’ve landed keepers. The first one when not a single person was on the beach as the water temps were low to mid forties. I didn’t care, I wanted to fish, and I ended up catching. Love the article, heading out tomorrow morning and will bring the most important tackle with me, confidence.

    1. Crazy Alberto Knie

      Hello Gus… That is well said, and I can appreciate where you are coming from. You’ve obviously have the passion / drive to fish and you do fish with a great level of confidence. Thanks for the feedback! 🙂

  8. bob jones

    I feel that confidence is the key to success in all endeavors. And I believe that there are certain key ingredients that are necessary to achieve confidence. First off, you can’t be afraid of failure. But, don’t accept failure. Go out and try again. Try something different; be an innovator. Hard work is critical in achieving confidence; try & try again. Educate yourself, knowledge makes you more confident. Be a leader. Let others follow you, don’t just follow others. (Don’t chase reports; make your own reports) Be respectful of those that are talented & accomplished. Learn from them. They are confident, too. Every time I start getting ‘over-confident’, old ‘Roccus Humilitius’ puts me in my place. Good read. Bob

    1. Crazy Alberto Knie

      Hello Bob! If this is the same Bob Jones that I know, you are spot on – and you’ve been doing this for a very long time! More importantly, I couldn’t agree with you more! Thanks for the reply my friend!

      Overall, it’s important to be self motivator and it is always good to try to achieve a reasonable goal. Each outings are important (fish or no fish) because we can all learn from it .

  9. adam

    Research shows it takes ten thousand hours to achieve mastery in any endeavor.
    The by product of time is… experience which in turn fosters confidence.

    Ever notice the wetsuiters who are always fishing in Montauk ? They cary a handful of lures in a 2 tube bag,
    that’s all they need. They have a specific plan & area to fish.
    Meanwhile the out of town guys carry massive bags with 30 lures & chase reports.

  10. Frank Gissi

    I agree Al, While walking down to the beach the other night an elderly fisherman approach me about my gear in a joking, but sarcastic, negative manner. “what are you going hunting? with that orange jacket ?’ Actually i said isn’t that what were doing? He was leaving frustrated after fishing all day and not catching anything, he made sure he said “there is no Fn fish down here” I try to tell him that tonight is going to be a very good night according to my calculations but He says “oh and you know this right?”. He left me with his discouraging negative karma and feeling much less confident than i began. That night the newbee to my left gets a 40 pounder and the three guys to my right bass after bass in the mid twenty’s while i get nothing, my calculations were correct but the old guy had left me the fruit of his words. I did not give up and had enough confidence and experience to keep trying, reassuring and actually praying until i finally got my fish 5 hours later. Stay away from negative people, words are seeds, either positive or negative, seeds grow. Sow(speak) positive Seeds (words), have a positive attitude(confidence) and be of good demeanor (friendly, helpful and giving to others around you). It rubs off (grows).

    1. Crazy Alberto Knie

      Frank Gissi, I agree with you 100%! There are reasons why I don’t fish with negative people…. and you’ve mentioned many of the same reasons. Fishing outings are supposed to be adventurous with intentions to learn… and the catching process is the validation of job well done. In a nutshell, there are no room for negative people in my world (and that’s including in my fishing trips outings). 🙂

  11. Raul Hernandez Jr.

    Right on Point Alberto, Confidence is what separates mediocrity and professional. The will to not loss and conquer adversity no matter what Field, fishing is no exception to this. Confidence leads us to victory and over come failure.

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