Blue Moon

Is that a bright moon of what? Holy crap! The SJ crew got out last night only to find remarkably little traffic but absolutely no sign of life in the ocean either. Other that the flotsam of weeds that carpeted the beach. But we are almost there, two more days and the beach is our once again. Gone will be the soccer moms, chauffeuring the kids to school, and fair weather fishermen who do not like the thought of cold and crisp northwest winds one bit. And yes, those pesky lifeguards who quickly spring into action if you attempt the make a cast before 7 PM will retire their Speedo’s for the year. The nights are getting shorter and the morning have become refreshingly comfortable. Let’s hope for little or no disruption from hurricanes this year. Nor’easters, yes, they can do a world of good, but hurricanes are just a pain in the ass. The bait situation looks fantastic in a lot of places…but (and it’s a big butt…Kim K size) I am not sure the fish are there to eat them. Some say fish are staying in deeper waters last few years and they are not on decline. I would really, really like to believe this. But what is alarming me is a lack of resident fish. And this is not just one place I fished, but Cuttyhunk, Montauk, Moriches, Fire Island and Jones inlets…the solid bumps from a resident fish have been missing…I am not an alarmist but it’s getting a little scary in some place

We promised you things you didn’t expect ….BIG THINGS….so do expect for us to pull a rabbit out of our hat once this new issue lands on your PC, tablet, android, iphone or something else Apple will invent before we wrapped up this issue and stock goes to $1000 a share. It kind of ties in into what I mentioned before. I will keep the details to a minimum since we are still finalizing the final details but Surfcaster’s Journal , in conjunction with some great supporters will give you a chance this fall to win the ultimate surfcasting reel,  a ZeeBaaS ZX 27. No, ” I am in” will not get you into the winners circle but catching a good fish and releasing might…teasing done, stay tuned for further announcements 🙂

Speaking of ZeeBaaS reels..I told you this last year, but I will repeat it again. It is remarkable the transformation this reel company has undergone under the new stewardship of Ron D. Many of you know Ron as a maker of Lordship Lures, an anal-focus-on-smallest-details kind of dude …just bustin’

Which is exactly what ZeeBaaS needed. Improved communications with customers, fast turnaround on service but most important thing at all is that ZeeBaaS reels are once again built in USA by using just about all component made here. Which means Ron and his elves are painstakingly building each reel and they are the only company that I am aware of that subject their reels to pressure testing before they leave their shop. I’ve seen this contraption and although I am not at liberty to divulge details, take my word for it, you’d be impressed. Ron brought his attention to details to every facet of manufacturing and although I pity you if you are his supplier and are making his Z hats and he tells you that one stitch is half of nanometer to the left of the center of gravity :-)…….As an end user, you got to love what they have done. I bought my ZX27 last year and been fishing it ever since with no issues.

It wasn’t always like that. I also had an original one with drilled drag knob and had a lot of issues. But this new one is submerged, buried in sand, and it still as smooth as butter. It’s nice to have a reel on which the line is laying as it should and drag actually works…all the time. If you are a looking for top of the line reel or your wife is feeling really generous this holiday season all you need to know is how Google ZeeBaaS…and send a link to ZeeBaaS website to your wife 🙂

And now, one of you will get a chance to win one in few weeks..all you need is a cast and a dream

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17 comments on “Blue Moon

  1. Mike burke

    While everyone else on the planet seems to be holding on to summer. The few and the elite are checking neopremes for holes filling spools, oiling drags, picking the “choosen ones” to fill the plug bag. Awaiting those cold dark morning walks to the spray are right around the corner and with our gear ready we wait for the arrival of linesiders for battle in the suds. LET FALL BEGIN!

  2. mark d

    I would love a ZB but can not afford (daughter starting college)
    Just bought one of those new sealed Penn Spinfishers. Hope its good. Concerned about the made in China

  3. Brendan Craig

    Have you stopped sending your blog e-mails? Or have I just stopped getting them? Either way, keep up the fantastic work. You help me get through the day until I get the next chance to fish.

  4. Zeno Post author

    No Brendan, we did might need to resubscribe by reentering your email into a subscribe box on the right column under River End Tackle button

  5. Richard aka Woodwker99

    I dream at night of a ZB. (sux for my wife). I went as far as putting 2 rollers on my drilled 704. I hope the water cools in the narrows soon so maybe I get a shot of some of the weakies that are on the bay. The beach becomes ours Tuesday.

  6. James Carter

    Having a ZB would be the ultimate dream for any surfcaster – especially me! LOL. They make a no-nonsense reel indeed. Can’t wait for the opportunity.

  7. CTMatt

    @Bobby Have you had ZeeBaas look at it? I find it hard to believe your reel was thrown together and so troublesome. I am sure they are more then willing to give it a look.

    Having a reel made and assembled in the USA, reliable and easy to self service, superior drag and great customer service is why I traded my other premium reel for a ZeeBaas. Reeling is believing lol. The only way to decide if this is for you is to decide how much swimming/dunking/cranking underwater you are going to do and then get your hands on one at a show/local shop. Don’t let someone online tell you what to get…make your own decision based on your fishing. You would be surprised at just how refined and well thought out this reel is. I never have to worry about it. I saved for a while to get my first sealed reel and a little more for this. I think the wait was worth it. I can do nearly any maintenance I want on the reel without a ton of specialized tools and it is self lubricating. You really can’t wrong and i am always confident they will take care of my reel if I run into trouble.

  8. Bobby

    Yes twice first time I was at montauk and it seized up. This last time I was using it and realized I was in a oil slick so I opened the cover plate and one of the screws was not in all the way then I realized that it was stripped out . My bro is having problems with his also his are worse then mine I’m getting it fixed again then dumping it . VS is what I should of got

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