Belt Clips

I been waiting to get better to do this video but I realized by the time I get better the fish will be here….Wait, the fish are here! Yes, Virginia, including the bluefish.

Back to what I had in mind. I wanted to do this video because showing you pictures would do no justice. I can’t see why anyone who is looking for something like this would not make this product their number one choice. Simple, elegant, stainless, there is nothing to knock. I wish all the product were like this


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8 comments on “Belt Clips

  1. Loco7 Matty

    Hey z, I just wanted to let you and the boys know how much I appreciate everything you guys do , I look forward to my daily email from SJ . Weather its a reveiw,giveaway,video,ect. Now getting to the point ,as soon as I saw that belt clip on your page and saw how easy you made it, with the link in the corner of the page, I had to have a few and let me tell you these things are awsome. I ve been looking for something like this for awhile and I just wanted to thank you for bringing it to my attention. I love surfcaster’s journal.

  2. CTMatt

    This will be 800 times better then D-Rings for wetsuiters for bag clasps and eel pouches. 4 would be great for Boga, eels and two for single wetsuit bag. Still like using a D-Ring for holding my rod when things get tricky and I need both arms available.

  3. Joel fisher

    Hey Z, thanks for the video. Cool product. Who makes that belt you are using? It seems to have a nice stiffness to it. Thanks in advance.

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