Author Archives: lcaruso

New Yorkers

Lou Caruso

Are New Yorkers “Harsh”


I recently completed a business transaction with a gentleman from Massachusetts. After the transaction was completed we were chatting and in conversation he made a statement that “New Yorkers were harsh”. I let it go, as I was not sure where he was coming from and did not want to get into an argument.


It got me thinking though. Ever see some of the brawls that take place on these fishing forums especially during the winter? “Internet fisherman” has the ability to spew information like its gospel and if anyone dare go against what they have to say all hell breaks loose. I know, as I was recently on the receiving end of one of these tirades, from a fellow New Yorker no less.


Where am I going with this? I have met a lot of people over the years in this fishing community. 99.9% of them have been true gentleman & women and a pleasure to know. Then there’s that 1/10 of 1% that are hell. They are the ones that make it their mission to be antagonistic and disagree with everyone and everything. They are also usually the loudest and make the most lasting impression.


So for the few that make it bad for the rest of us, I apologize. New Yorkers are a great bunch of guys. Passionate yes, harsh, I don’t think so….


One last note; what you put in print could haunt you and ruin your reputation forever.


Spring is here. Time to get out and fish ….

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New surf rods & more show news

I am sure many of you are thinking of buying a new rod. Because surfcaster can never have enough rods…nor can our wives ever have enough shoes! But there are so many options to consider, so many blanks, configurations, ratings. Wouldn’t it be nice to check them all at one place, maybe even compare one blank against another and then talk to the rod builder?

We’ll, you are in luck

For all you guys and gals thinking of getting a new custom rod this spring, now is your chance to check out blanks from a few of the blank manufacturers all under one roof. You can check the selections from CTS, Century and Steve Petri will have blanks from Lamiglas. CTS will have their new 1 piece blanks on display. Century has a new Stealth arriving shortly and Steve will have the Lami work horse lineup of GSB’s

They will all be at the Long Island Surf Fishing Expo at the Islandia Marriott , exit 58 off the Long Island expressway. For more info go to 


Zeno forgot to mention one show in his post yesterday.

here is the press release from the Freeport, NY show




Have Mercy on That Fishing Rod…….PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like so many others have taken advantage of the daytime blitz fishing going on out east. While out there 2 weeks ago, I witnessed a “fisherman” up on a rock on the south side. He had a pick of fish as the rest of us did. All of a sudden I see this guy rear back like he’s pulling the Titanic up from the depths of the Atlantic. After a few seconds he finally realizes he’s snagged. I watch in utter amazement as he locks down the drag and starts snapping back over his head with all his might to free his bucktail which was hopelessly snagged. He kept this up for 2 – 3 minutes before his line finally parted. There was no visible damage to the rod on the outside but if I were a gambling man I would venture to say he might have done internal damage to that blank. He may have fractured some of the internal glues & epoxies used to create the blank. Nothing may ever happen or he will be Shocked as hell when he finally hooks a 50 and the rod folds in half. Worse yet, when he forgets all about this incident and makes a simple cast and the rod folds in half.

The first words out of his mouth will be: “it’s a defect in the blank”

If you snag up, hold the rod straight out towards the snag and pull back towards you holding the cup of your reel.  Not at 180 degrees over your head. Either your lure will break free or your line will part.

Good luck out there this fall,

Lou Caruso